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1 Chapter 1 Unveiling Deception2 Chapter 2 Unveiling Destiny3 Chapter 3 The Unveiling Revelation4 Chapter 4 The Uneviled Intrigue5 Chapter 5 Charm Encounter on the Cruise6 Chapter 6 Dazzling Reunion at the Sea7 Chapter 7 Unexpected Intervention8 Chapter 8 The Melodic Negotiation9 Chapter 9 Proposal and Betrayals10 Chapter 10 The Tangled Evening11 Chapter 11 Shattered Trust12 Chapter 12 Deceptive Shadows13 Chapter 13 Shattered Reflection14 Chapter 14 Chasing Fireworks15 Chapter 15 Deceptive Whisper's16 Chapter 16 Corporate Showdown17 Chapter 17 Reclaimed Victory18 Chapter 18 Strategic Pills and Office19 Chapter 19 Contractual Triumph and Lingering Frangance20 Chapter 20 Unveiling Betrayals and Corporate Triumph21 Chapter 21 Shattered Trust and Unexpected Tragedy22 Chapter 22 Healing Wounds and Facing Reality23 Chapter 23 The Unseen Caller24 Chapter 24 The Maybach Encounter25 Chapter 25 New Beginnings26 Chapter 26 Unveiling Secrets27 Chapter 27 Twist of Fate28 Chapter 28 Revelations and Realization29 Chapter 29 Surprise and Revelations in Q City30 Chapter 30 Unveiled Revelations31 Chapter 31 Entangled Affair's32 Chapter 32 Deceptive Shadows33 Chapter 33 Whisper's of the Past34 Chapter 34 Unwanted Visitors35 Chapter 35 Entangled Confessions36 Chapter 36 Broken Nightmares37 Chapter 37 Burning Tension38 Chapter 38 Business Proposition39 Chapter 39 The CEO offer40 Chapter 40 Changing Tactics41 Chapter 41 Unexpected Encounter42 Chapter 42 Unexpected Encounter43 Chapter 43 Unveiling Ties44 Chapter 44 The Fragile Alliances45 Chapter 45 Unveiling Shadows46 Chapter 46 Unspoken Realities47 Chapter 47 Silent Breakdown48 Chapter 48 Negotiating Boundaries49 Chapter 49 Unexpected Call50 Chapter 50 Unexpected Turn of Event51 Chapter 51 The Unraveling Net52 Chapter 52 Unraveling Secrets53 Chapter 53 The Unexpected Lunch54 Chapter 54 The Confession Revelations55 Chapter 55 The Balance of Justice56 Chapter 56 The Cafeteria Revelations57 Chapter 57 Unspoken Tensions58 Chapter 58 Connection and Alliances59 Chapter 59 Departures Decisions60 Chapter 60 Desperate Journey61 Chapter 61 Desperate Escape62 Chapter 62 The Desperate Turn63 Chapter 63 The Fiery Farewell64 Chapter 64 Recuse in the Dark65 Chapter 65 Unveiling Secrets66 Chapter 66 Confronting Reality67 Chapter 67 Unintended Detour68 Chapter 68 Unexpected News69 Chapter 69 Unveiling Secrets70 Chapter 70 Vanishing Traces71 Chapter 71 Desperate Call72 Chapter 72 Petals of Deceit73 Chapter 73 Dreams of Thorn's74 Chapter 74 Bittersweet Reminiscence75 Chapter 75 Melancholic Memories76 Chapter 76 Shattered Illusions77 Chapter 77 Unexpected Serenity78 Chapter 78 Unexpected Reunion79 Chapter 79 Unexpected Confession80 Chapter 80 Unexpected Proposal81 Chapter 81 Ice Cream Interruption82 Chapter 82 Confrontations at the Cemetery83 Chapter 83 Cloud's of Betrayals84 Chapter 84 Bitter Revelations85 Chapter 85 Shattered Ties86 Chapter 86 Fading Echoes87 Chapter 87 The Veil of Power88 Chapter 88 Resilient Ties89 Chapter 89 Unveiled Deception90 Chapter 90 Power Struggle91 Chapter 91 The Fragile Night92 Chapter 92 The Morning Fitting93 Chapter 93 The Morning Banter94 Chapter 94 The Morning Revelations95 Chapter 95 Contract Conundrums96 Chapter 96 Encounter with Claire Fuller97 Chapter 97 Unpleasant Encounter98 Chapter 98 Awkward Reunion99 Chapter 99 Unwanted Encounter100 Chapter 100 Unveiling Secrets