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The Cabin on the Prairie


Word Count: 2434    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


conscious, also, that she had put him under new obligation to be always frank with her, as she had been with him; that she had, in fact, made the obligation very sacred, for he realized that it was an act of condescension in her thus to make him the repository of he

when once the heart is roused to wish, and the mind to plan, for great things. And now, to give it all up, and come down to the cheerless drudgery of home-service in such a home,–it could not be expected that he could do this, only after a severe conflict with his own nature, if at all. It is true his mother had exhorted him to wait for Providence to open the d

aning of her words, and the demands of my lot. Am I ready to do this–to be true to duty, if i

ebellion within. Ah, the pioneer's ragged son had been precipitated into a solemn moral crisis, which tested him, and showed him how weak he was! The tumult of feeling, and sharpness of the bat

e asked; and he sat bolt uprig

was awake, that she might explain herself. Then his mind returned to

gth of God. And that is just what I ought to do. He can

of the light that was breakin

s mother has advised, and as I see

emed to pervade his whole being. It stole upon him so gently and unexpectedly, that 108 he felt like shou

er, m

she asked, always ready to

ave been struggling and prayi

by his side,–she understood him,–and tears of

, Tom. God has taken you

happy change that had transpired within him during the night, but as she busied herse

up all the wood we can while the weather is pleasant. Winter'll be coming along by and by, and it'll be so

d while that lasts we shall 109 use but little fuel, and if yo

ll we have in fall called

ts then; they don't go on their war expeditions after cold weather sets in. And," she added, s

and found that his oxen had been killed and dressed: the horns and hide lay on the ground, and the blood was scarc

ns been seen ne

t her work, when the door opened and an Indian stalked 110 in and took a seat. Pretty soon a second came, and did the same, and then another; until a dozen sat round the room, silently smoking their pipes. She says she knew by their manner and the way they were painted that they intended mischief. She determined, however, not to appear frightened, and went o

s. Jones, "do the se

and talk with the government agent, and declare that they wish to be on good terms with us. But some of our

dogs broke on their ears. Mrs. Jones and Tom hurried to the door, a

ur father at home? Tell him to come on, and we'll pepper his carcass!" and without wai

rried a piece of rusty stove-pipe, although what use he proposed to put it to in capturing Bruin, it was difficult to imagine, unless he intended, should Bear gain the grove, to smoke him out with it. The truth is, he was putting up a stove in his cabin when the cry of "Bear, bear," interrupted his labors, and he joined the chase, forgetting that he held anything in his hand. He was

m, as the men and boys spread out from the centr

nd not long after, the hunters retur

have got away,"

g towards her, and, thr

dead. He had run wild, feeding on roots and acorns, and was awful fat. But they didn't know 'twas a hog till they shot

ing in the fence nearest the woods

doing that

ant some wood near the cabin next winter, instead of digging it

e hold together and see how big a pile you can get up. It will be so nice to have plenty

ven to Bub, and, headed by Tom, they

, and to rive into shingles and saw into boards; and many a sinewy oak had fallen before the frontiersman's axe in the woods near the Joneses, leaving the bra

and from thence others of the youngsters pulled them up to the house. The girls and boys had a merry time of it, Sarah making the woods ring with her bird-like voice as she sang at her

said Eliza, as she stumbled over hi

e house," said Tom; "I'm

ng a long branch under one dimpled arm, and a short, heavy one under the other,

ft it again, his baby frock going up with it; and thus dropping his load and picking it up, with an occasional tumble, which he would not cry about, he reached the house, dragging his load in through the door, to the imminent dang

115 see if dinner was most ready, "why did

ing, and replie

d out that it

ed it with uproarious laughter, highly offended the child;

er going to

not?" she

don't lik

he, "you'll ne

ve to work

ly," she

a man," he answ

his mother; "what,

ry, and walk wound, a

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