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Titan's Advent

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 4127    |    Released on: 13/06/2024

under the cool shade of a tree just outside the nor

n him as he anticipated the

y, three figures emerged from t

, the ones who had accepted t

h one another, leaving Larion as

smiles, the trio dismounted their

the fourth member,"

you'd chickened out since we

f the comment. "No, no. Just feeling a

Larion learned the names and specia

novice warrior brandishing a

helm, he specializes in close comba

leric who possessed a unique

her light-based powers, she wa

ice for clerics,

Hubert, an inter

g or two about defen

is disposal, he was a fo

lling the fundamentals of

these were the cardinal elements that

, there were countless

ightning, sound, a

e of familiarity, having spent count

n a warm smile and

t, he hopped on, excite

bout three hours to reach Zulhic Hill a

e on a mission to hunt dow

g travelers, devouring innocent folks making

t sky, the whole party enga

e horses' hooves added to th

ssess any elemental abilities, they shared tales of how

and he couldn't help bu

rom?" Larion curiously as

Piya hails from the Empire," answe

arion's confusi

e?" Gilmore chuckled. "The A

d that the Aremnian Empire had conquered the Kingdom of

country, welcoming people from all walks of lif

lost in my own little world," Larion lying th

nians, she's genuinely kind-hearted. If she were like the rest, she wouldn't ha

bsolutely! Most Aremnians have this haughty attitude, looking

p but marvel at his

hing change from w

romising, filled with cama

de, Larion couldn't wait to fac

ic Hill, and the entrance to

y time, they set u

ldn't help but be amazed at his resourcefulnes

ranches, covering it with a woolen blanke

talent for gathering re

sed torches from broken branches, cloth, and tree sap

up their tents, Larion offered his help, mak

ty and asked, "How did you become

sed to go camping a lot before I became an advent

xperience camping both in the

at around the campfire, each enjoying their rations

ake the first watch, with the ot

ll venture deep into the fores

hemselves alone in front of the crackling camp

Piya couldn't help but ask, "So, why did y

Larion replied, "I simply wanted to make a living. I lost my pr

sister must be grateful to have y

e my parents, who were forcing me into an a

, asked, "Why wou

. I was only fifteen at the time. It's been

our parents?"

of log into the fire. "I would be lying if I said no. It's been so long

tly. In my case, I lost both of my parents in an accident, leaving me and my sisters to fend

thers were as responsible as you. So, how

ster go to school. Our other sister is being taken care of

Wow! I had no idea you were that wel

shaking his head.

u afford to send your sister to the acad

p with an answer. "Well, it's not exactly li

r too long. But hey, thanks for sharing, Larion. It mak

now. But like you said, there's still this lingering an

tion about life and its ups and downs, th

r thrilling escapades, from traversing her homeland to the

disappears into his makeshift tent and returns

sks, her curiosity piqued as

e wooden cylinders, a bag of potassium nitrate, a bag of sugar, a

a inquires, her eyes w

ll help us later," Larion t

ens it, only to be met with a pow

r, and she contemplates tasting it,

it?" Piya asks, sli

your mouth," Larion replies, placing the p

you even ge

e the north gate. Surprisingly, they didn't know what to do with these ingredients

tries to piece it all together

sed smoke bomb," Larion reveals,

sks, her confusion tu

ingredients into the wooden cylinder,"

s makeshift smoke bomb, h

e smoke bomb nearby, and within moments

, her eyes wide w

spectacle, and she can't help but marv

eyond their world - he's picked up tricks from the rea


, its golden rays gently kissed their face

ch duty, relieved Piya from he

ber was none other than Gilmore,

n intently, absorbed in studying his map

now every nook and cranny of the Belaiv Kingdom

ed, "So, this is where I am right now!" He then shifted his

right here!" His exc

display of geographical prowess, but he decided t

gently tapped Larion's shou

ght, buddy?" Gilmore asked,

d to face Gilmore, revealing a plain,

Gilmore's spine, causing hi

! Why on earth are you wearing that mask?" Gilmo

. I always wear a mask when we're out and about. Gotta keep my identity under wraps, you know

elief. Larion was always full of surprises, but

nap, Larion finally woke

s descent, casting a warm golde

o embark on their mission - to track

sing through their veins, the group ve

, not just any ordinary claw marks, but rather colossal slas

e more apparent. Massive webs dangled from the branches

mnants of the Qizir Spawn's grisly feasts. It was

umbled upon a mammoth old tree. The ground beneath it was littered wi

bones and various other trinkets, all e

ture would emerge from its nest and become more active.

onstructed a makeshift snare, perf

re out of sticks, attaching a

would place the caged rabb

air. While they waited for the perfect moment to strike, e

ready to cleave through any obstacle. Hubert, on the other hand, p

rbed every word. Larion, with a focused expression, honed his newly forged sw

s at Larion's unique weapons, his interest pi

"I paid a visit to a skilled blacksmith and had these

up in intrigue. "Why are

ing a shape akin to a crescent moon. And the tip, it points downwards. This design allows for easier grabbing

ed down the pommels of his Khope

with intricate designs, a testament to the

ght, adorned with a wing-like pattern that g

horizon, leaving only a soft glow in the sky, Larion


ymphony of crickets, their mel

s illuminated the darkness of the fore

ct time for the

brave adventurers took their positions, caref

, its purpose clear - to lure out the formidable spi

orch held by the dummy's stick hand, the rustling of l

vy footsteps resonating through the

enturers waited, their sen

gs for any signs of movement. Hubert gripped

ntly as he wiped a bead of sweat from his

with the face of Eion, whispered a si

ry. Piya, expecting a juvenile creature as described in the b

hed to the spider's cephalothorax was a chilling sight, its fangs, a

knowing that defeating this formidab

here?! We're no match for this beast!" Hubert

kable as it clutched a spine with a skull serving as

its face, stared back at them, d

a massive bush. "What do we do now? We're not equipped to handle a fully grown Qizir! Our adventure

of hope, suggested, "Maybe there'

no error. This monster has clearly been feasting here for qui

ust a few bones,"

lves to what we've seen so far. I've had a hunch since th

ted, "Then perhaps we should abandon this qu

diate adventurer, it would still be a challenge for us. This monster

h determination, "We have no choice. If we run now, we'll o

ore them, as the Qizir continued to feast on a small rabbit, its

nfusion, attempted to kneel

to lower herself to the ground

vance, an unexpected snap echoed through

e Qizir to their presence, causing i

on exclaimed, his words triggering an imme

web, helplessly flung upwards and screaming for assist

heir hiding place, fully aware that th

nded, his urgency palpable, as Gilmore

ilmore's panicked pleas re

nd Piya snatched up torches and set them

using the ethereal ice projectiles to materialize in mid-air, targ

e clutched his axe tightly, casting Mud

ts fell short, failing to con

atop the branches, with fallin

d in webs descended upon them like macab

on exclaimed, igniting the surrounding foliage

open area, where we can corner it," he add

is feet to a sudden stop as he cast Earth Rumble, cre

Shards in an attempt to strike the monster, P

nveloping the entire forest in a warm glow. "Find it! T

tude, his aim unwavering as he continued t

nded three fortunate hits, eliciting a

uman-like torso, the Qizir

r remained perched atop the trees, tak

h Ice Shards, while Piya's Holy Light provi

resting on his back, used his m

jured an earth platform beneath him,

s proved formidable, evading

rily cornered, the skirmishes between Gilmore and the Qizir were ar

unabated, flames engulfing

ntly, their every gasp for air a str

to ensnare the monstrous creature,

t one that had bestowed upon

o procure cloths, dousing them with water and hastily fashio

his companions, urging them to drive the beast towards an o

ubert and Gilmore, who continued their relentless assault, propelling

heir grasp. However, they were painfully unaware that the true

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