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The adventure of Benedict the demon slayer

The adventure of Benedict the demon slayer



Love and revenge

Chapter 1 Love at first sight

Benedict was a happy man. He had a beautiful wife, a cozy cottage, and a loyal dog. He was a skilled hunter, and he provided for his family with his bow and arrow. He loved his wife more than anything, and she loved him back.

But one day, everything changed. A demon attacked their village, killing and burning everything in its path. Benedict was out hunting when he heard the screams and saw the smoke. He ran back to his home, hoping to find his wife alive. But he was too late. The demon had already taken her life, and left her body in a pool of blood. Benedict was overcome with grief and rage. He grabbed his bow and arrow, and swore to avenge his wife's death.

He tracked the demon for days, following its trail of destruction. He finally caught up with it in a dark forest, where it was resting under a tree. Benedict aimed his arrow at its heart, and let it fly. The arrow pierced the demon's chest, but it did not kill it. Instead, it roared in pain and anger, and lunged at Benedict.

The two fought fiercely, exchanging blows and wounds. Benedict was wounded several times, but he did not give up. He remembered his wife's face, and how much he loved her. He fought with all his strength, until he finally managed to stab the demon in the throat with his knife. The demon gasped and fell to the ground, dead.

Benedict collapsed next to it, exhausted and bleeding. He felt a strange sense of relief and emptiness. He had avenged his wife's death, but he had also lost his purpose in life. He closed his eyes, and waited for death to take him too.

But death did not come. Instead, he heard a voice.

"Are you alright?"

He opened his eyes, and saw a woman standing over him. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, and a kind smile. She was wearing a white dress, and had a golden cross around her neck. She was holding a basket of herbs in her hand.

She was an angel.

She knelt down next to him, and touched his wounds with her fingers. He felt a warm sensation spread through his body, healing his injuries.

"Who are you?" he asked weakly.

"I'm Clara," she said softly. "I'm an angel of mercy. I heard your cry of pain, and I came to help you."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you need help," she said simply. "And because I care."

She smiled at him, and he felt something stir in his heart. He had not felt anything since his wife's death, but now he felt a spark of hope.

He smiled back at her, and reached for her hand.

"Thank you," he said.

She squeezed his hand gently.

"You're welcome," she said.

They looked into each other's eyes, and felt a connection that transcended words.

They had both lost someone they loved, but they had also found someone new.

They had found each other.1of30




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