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The adventure of Benedict the demon slayer

The adventure of Benedict the demon slayer


Chapter 1 Love at first sight

Word Count: 510    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

yal dog. He was a skilled hunter, and he provided for his family with his b

the screams and saw the smoke. He ran back to his home, hoping to find his wife alive. But he was too late. The demon had already taken her life,

rest, where it was resting under a tree. Benedict aimed his arrow at its heart, and let it fly. The arrow pi

e up. He remembered his wife’s face, and how much he loved her. He fought with all his strength, until he fi

of relief and emptiness. He had avenged his wife’s death, but he had also los

t come. Instead,

ou alr

air, green eyes, and a kind smile. She was wearing a white dress, and had a

as an

unds with her fingers. He felt a warm sensatio

ou?” he as

an angel of mercy. I heard your c

” he

p,” she said simply.

n his heart. He had not felt anything since his

t her, and reach

you,” h

zed his h


’s eyes, and felt a connect

e they loved, but they ha

ound each




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