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The adventure of Benedict the demon slayer

Chapter 2 The daughter of Benedict the demon slayer and the demon in disguise

Word Count: 847    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

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lagued the land. He had a wife, Clara, who loved him dearly and supported him in his mission. They had a daughter, Eliz

compassionate, and loyal, and he had saved her life once when she was attacked by a band of robbers. They had met in the forest, whe

erstand and accept her choice. She waited for them at home, while Lucian waite

ear that their daughter wanted to marry a demon. They refused to listen to her pleas and explanations. They

s. She ran away from home, leaving behind a note that said she was g

or being too harsh and not understanding her feelings. They blamed Lucian for corrupting t

d wife. They disguised themselves as travelers and rented a room at the inn where E

th swords drawn. They shouted at them to surrender and come with them. Eliza and Lucian w

Eliza and Lucian tried to defend themselves, but they were outnumbered and outm

other’s hands, trying to hold on to their last moments of life. They

ling. They expected to feel relief and satisfaction for aveng

for killing their own flesh and blood an

te that they had mad

s and fell to their knee

hey could tak

was t

they t

s of Eliza and Lucian. Their wounds healed, t

or air, feeli

each other with

er tightly, feeling

eir parents with

nderstand wha

ict and C

light as a sign of

ove was so pure and true that it had mo

hey had been wrong a

mon, but an ang

by God to test th

is bride because he saw

for her sake because he lo

the test with

ad failed

ed and humbled

forgiveness from

for forgiven

were stunned by

anger, sadness, relief, gr

give their paren

to accept t

to embrace

to live happi


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