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Shadythree's PLAYBOOK

Chapter 3 Some Common Myths about Women

Word Count: 1945    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

master is self confidence, that is, believing in yoursel

off everything that holds you back, then there

e don“t. We have been doing it wrong all along. Most of the things tha

rinciples of attraction, why women think and act

ught that you can get her to like you by treating her like a queen and nodding at her every beck and ca

nships, but you will never know as long as you don“t try. It is better to try than regretting it for the rest of your life. Once you have le

really that hard to understand? Not at all. They are just human beings like us. Once you start understanding how a woman“s mind works

ts you, you get crushed and never ask out another girl for a

You don“t have take it personally. Get over it and move on. T

you understand what you have been do

ssing the knowledge is of no use i


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