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Shadythree's PLAYBOOK

Chapter 5 Understanding a Woman

Word Count: 3055    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

ng this attraction is quite frightening for most of us. Some people have a natural tendency for this kind of a thing, but most of us are too nervous to even initiate a con

ay they do. But there is a principle behind this too. Attraction has a

hurt again. Some people find compatible companions and they often have successful relationships, and these people say that they have never been more happy

cted to, because, for them attraction occurs based on emotions. To put it simply

from others, the less chance you have of ending up in a relationship. Familiarity will in

th her. This will automatically lead to connection, and connection leads to attraction. So if you want to attract a woman, make her feel safe and connect with her first. T

, dating and relationships, you will have all the answers, and

c facts that you

acted to men tha

d to men who are des

tracted to men

stuff, in the same way, women don“t care much for m

their value by doing

er too muc

onfidence an

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too much tim

ly in the relationship. It is always better if you are not the fi

ut. If you just go with the flow and stop treating her like a f

start by making conversation with a random girl. It can be just a normal, day to day con


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