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Worth Waiting For

Chapter 3 

Word Count: 1924    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

late. She noticed my attention on her and she looked up, smiling. I felt my face heat up slightly and I

k around the cafeteria, noticing the looks that the many students were giving both Ashlynn and myself. Most of the

ing just before she lowered her head sli

is of her own free will. I slowly picked up my burger, still focu

piece and it would seem she really likes these cheeseburgers. I sat back and watched her push her tray to the side

this whole situation. For a brief moment I thought I saw a hint o

water and took a sip. Even this ordinary movement of taking a sip of water had

sit here." I told her as she leaned fu

ped her head slightly to the left. She reached out her right hand

ding to give her the benefit of the doubt, I reached over and sho

smile. I could be wrong but she seemed to be e

arms on the table. I tilted my head just before her right hand shot forward stealing one

now about you because, and I have stated before. You intrigue me."

say about me. According to the student body, I am the school nerd. To be honest, that is what I sort of am.

k and work as an assistant chef at Cyrus, the cafe close to here." I be

dark chocolate cake with a white chocolate icing. It is amazing!"

I am the one who bakes at the cafe. The main cook, Trey, deals with th

t a few short seconds, it seemed to dawn on her. "Wait, you baked

riticism about my work." What are the odds that the conversation would take this turn?

ickly and stole another of my fries. The look of shock on my face seemed to entertain her as she smiled once more. "What? I forgot to get

plate of fries to the center of th

are away on business. So it is just me at the moment. According to the rumors flying about, I am a bit of a bad girl. But it wasn“t my fault. These people are jus

back." I finished with a chu

est. "He basically insinuated that sleeping with him is a gift that all women should have and then he gr

asked, wondering what she did, other

a look of disbelief. "You can practically peel her face of

her. How comforting it is to be in her presence

nch rang and broke up our little mom

rking at the cafe this afternoon? I could really use a slice of that cake." I coul

ernoon." I told her and a huge smile crossed her face. "And yes, I will be wo

we both made our way out of the ca

ust met Ashlynn, but this whole thing just feels so right. Our brief conversation at lunch was the best

e subject in common with Ashlynn. History. That just had to ruin my d

Ashlynn waiting for me. She stood next to a silver ford mustang with d

er than his friends but that didn“t mean he wasn“t big. His black short sleeve shirt pulled

I“m better." He said with a smirk as his friends chuckled behind him

t ever call me Red again. And two, I am pretty sure I told you this morning to not

hand on the roof of her car right next to her shoulder. "You know you wan

shlynn with surprise plastered on their faces. If she could see mine too, she would see the sa

y over to Ashlynn, and grabbed her left upper ar

. I will meet you at the cafe."

d as she opened the drivers door an

o the passenger side door. I got in quickly wanting to get out of here due

alked." I told her

romised me something delicious and now yo

to switch it on at the same time s

I thought

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