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Worth Waiting For

Chapter 4 

Word Count: 1773    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

hands that seemed to be so unreal and the second was the feeling of warmth inside me. It felt a

should not be present. I became slightly worrie

car. We walked into the cafe with Ashlynn telling me to hurry up. It would seem that she really enjoys the cakes I m

the signature Cyrus Cafe coffee cup logo above his left peck. He looked younger than his forty odd years, yet the gray had already begun to set in his brunette hair.

of this cafe." I told her as she continued to push me

ded to the main counter. "Hi Gareth." She said offering her hand. I pushed t

ight hand I carried a small caramel cake slice with white chocolate icing. It is something

on her face told me she was really looking forward to this. I looked at her table and noticed two plates that held remnants of the ch

ill in my hands. I raised my eyebrows gestur

ittle shocked. "Why?" She as

ate. I still wanted her to ask nicely for it and to be honest, i

perfect puppy dog eyes I have ever seen, in real

e chuckling softly. "

ft moan escaped her lips and instantly I was jealous of the cake. Why the hel

y way back into the kitchen only to be s

the counter glancing between Ashlynn and myself. I could s

moved here and already she is a fan of the baked goods. She even likes the caramel

ated tone. "I“ll put it on the dam

ce at earning money when no one else would. He gave me a reason

rk as he saw the blush rise on my cheeks. "And you two just seem to fit so w

crossed my lips as I watched her. I really hope this is not the

and long sleeve shirt, putting my hoodie on as well. It

hlynn was still there staring out into the distance. Wh

or her to hear me. "Why are you still

to me. Her hair bouncing slightly with each step. "As a thank you. Those cakes were truly delicious

told her with a smile a

. It wasn“t a home. It was the damn orphanage. Why the h

ed. She was staring at the large two story house that was in need of a much needed makeover. The la

t out as quickly as I could. I should not have brought her here. I let my ideals get in the way of r

said as I st

ced the same old cold tone beg

ing my gaze with hers. "But this doesn“t make you who you ar

was different than the rest. She was here, at the truth of who I was and she didn“t house pity, in

the car drive away, the feeling of loneliness washed over me again. Why was I feeling like this? Ther

s have decent caretakers, while others are only decent when they need to be. Most times

retaker, has always hated me for some reason. A reason I truly didn“t know. He has said many things to me in the past, but never the r

did not know what might happen. But it is better this way. He relieves his anger on me and not the other two boys w

be good. "It seems like it is only you and David left." Wait what? Does this mean

shirt and a black apron on. Her short brunette bob bo

ts hinges. Brad instantly let me go as I fell to the floor. Bot

ith a voice filled with fear. His f

p. I remembered the coldness of the touch. I remembered the sway of bright re

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