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The Last Of Us

Chapter 3 

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

ed me to flinch slightly. I knew a werewolves wolf could ta

t my wolf but rather the vampire who won“t stop following me around. Ever since I

ounded once more. He made logical sense but my irritation was still there. Then it cli

get to know each other why is he not introducing h

ur name?

wolf form since I shifted two hours ago. Even thinking of my human shape hasn“t helped me shift back

d in a arrogant tone. Human“s in this day

are the same age as I am.

nturies. Never forget that boy.

what I just heard.Why are you following m

eant everything. "My life is yours. I will serve y

d as I stopped and t

is." He replied as he too stopped and his right hand clasp the outer of his left in

I needed space. I needed time to figure out why I am feeling thi

th a soft smile. "You“re stuc

turned and began walki

"I crossed over the Canadian b

“t want anymore hassles today like suddenly find

n replied still following me. "It is a small but fairly strong

his shou

mean, it is a forest, something was bound to catch his attention.

working. I responde

elp you." Logan said tryi

aid trying to

o turn back? My wolf said with a conf

converse with human“s. I said and I could feel

Bones cracking, then snapping and the amended themselves. Luckily the shift thi

backwards. I lifted my face, directing it towards the heavens

swiftly handed me the pair of black jeans, which I took s

nk I“d be?" I asked

scars like those." I guess he was referring to the scars that lay scattered across my back and shoul

walking slightly irritated that he had to bring up

. This is going to tak

vines covered the outside of it. The front of the mansion had about four steps in a half moon shape that led up to the porch that had f

doned. Shouldn“t it at least be demolished or used as

p up next to me on my right. "Any id

t ten to fifteen kilometers." He r

se, inspecting it closely. "While I am gone, get this house clean. The furniture and other ite

" Logan replied.

hing?" I asked as I turned to him. "I can“t expe

e with any type. I will also feed on some of the

I turned west, which was just to the

four of the patrol wolves under his control. The one who was leading the patrol was just over six feet

ader were at least a few inches taller and looked damn near identical. Just my luck to run into twins. They had short curly pale ginger hair and had

Rogue." The leader s

reside within his lands." I replied standing perfec

r a Rogue?" The left twi

ers." I began looking towards the ginger twin. "Secondly, I am not a Rogue b

ther twin said with the same curious ton

ed. "Can I speak to

he leader of the patrol said before he turne

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