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The Billionaire's Daughter

The Billionaire's Daughter


Chapter 1 My Life

Word Count: 782    |    Released on: 18/01/2018

henever my parents were out of town for their respective jobs. I grew independent not because I had to bu

ave to live up to the fame of being the only heiress of a shipping magna

me down here at my

s, since our house is huge, three-storey high wi


at the first floor where they stay most

you ca

is t

er she was holding and I kne

ion to my g

n you let this happen? Weren't you studying al

m doing well

this what you

ease cal

ur class when you could have been the Top 1

is just a normal thing to hear from her every t

tried my best, but I gues

nd don't ever admit that someone else is better than you! You are a Z

simultaneously in my mind since I have

beings unsurpassed by even the mo

ictorian so he could have free tuition fees at any school that he applies to. And please don't try to meddle on this as the results were a

care if he is the reason you are behind in your class!? And

estigious school is not being behind my class. Mom, I know what y

n my freshmen year. I hea

our school's reputation to decline my request. If you can make my daughter be th

ular donation to your scholarship

er to ensure my slot in the top spot. So that

ould have kept my mouth shut as my mother's

me otherwise I will send you

ve kept quiet but

eed me here with you and Dad. I am your only child, h

ul and disobedient! Get out of my face

change, I went out of the room and called my best

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