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The Billionaire's Daughter

Chapter 4 Someone

Word Count: 855    |    Released on: 19/01/2018

Away from the prying eyes and venomous mouth of my school mates. This is m

e and a long stem of white rose wa

My peace



time I really smiled. It wa

rom those simple word

oday to see you

in, well, now I am

give me a peace offering or

we frie

at he was just joking or pranki

have any choice or say on t

and took out a noteboo

nd Castello, Saphira. Ahhh. . . it's a great thing everything here is in order. In alphabetical

aphira will NEVER play any sports while she is enrolled on this school. . . . That is the imaginary dialogue I conjured of my mother

s thinking, how can he look concer

you have a he

re. Some of the many things that

he doctors still want me to be careful to avoid th

problem with

, I nearly died based on

on, I will be your bo

ble to keep myself from smiling. Wow. I have been smi

hool who follows me everywhere I go. Being my

for a change. The only friends I have were our maids and t

ne. Because the bullies here in school always pick up to

t, I promised myself that I will try and do everythin

every class together. Wouldn't it be nice t

be nice to have someone to walk with on the lonely corridors. I ha

eminent since he moved closer to me an

, I will always be here for you and

aughing as he was winking

e warn you, just by talking to me, you already sealed your fate. Y

't think that me, being the poorest guy here will ha

as really touched by his words,

y! Come on new found friend, let

o we s

ne to share my weirdness. I

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