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His BabyGirl

Chapter 4 I Promise

Word Count: 587    |    Released on: 31/05/2018


efore it was the

ll says, giving

fore rushing over

your first day?" My olde

my seat belt before she begins t

l but looked nothing like me. Long blond hair, green e

She has no right to call. She has no right to

at her to see her eyes flicker to m

ways liked other girls over us; her daughters. She always pointed out in the stree

t, the complete opposite to me. Not that I went around beating people up. It was more, when I got angry I had to take

still our mum. She bought us up well for the

" I say, she might've bought us up well for a few years, b

ghs, parki

because I would disappear for

ke sure I was okay. She kept looking over her shoulder when she heard a car,

sk when she shut

r arm mid air before

ar fall, I walk

sk, rubbing her back when

d, sobbing when his

What has he done?" I ask a

ll track us down" She cried, "and kill us" She whi

er tightened, I tr

him?" I ask and sh

n't lose you Cha

ainst him or anyone else" I promise, lif

ittle girl. Her eyes were wide with vulnerability,

y, looping my pi

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