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His BabyGirl

Chapter 6 Gentleman

Word Count: 424    |    Released on: 31/05/2018


g down at my pile of books. I almost wanted to tease

ankful smile. He rolled his eyes before t

he grinned. He was e

you got?" He as

and he chuc

e you then" He tea

ter school?" He asked, a small h

e my stoma

if we wanted to hang- I wasn't going to pretend I did

n't safe. It isn't safe for me to hang around with

ack and make sure my sister

his neck, "Oh yeah. Sure" He says

was Tuesday and it gave me enough time to track

ile re

rcade or something? It's up to you really" He

ds great" I say

Ty smiling, his

see you after math" he sa

forward and kissed my cheek. His lips lingered on my cheek


efore laughing at my

felt my cheeks heat

ime I giggled I was 5 years old and

re we both went our se

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