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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 877    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

w, citizen 1-564398B-278843! From now on, you are called "Patient 111-F-47" in this

ls, they will bring you to your ce

ns, no crying or any other sound. It was oppressing. The long corridors of ?Big Eye" were uncanny quiet and all the numbered cell doors were made of extremely thick steel. The cell with the number 47, in block F, was provided for Frank. He tried to explain hi

n in the depths of his mind, and in the next moment this scenario wo

cials suddenly said. The sturdy man with the brown mustachio and the s


ptly realized, that he would spend the next five years in this room. This

lazing neon light, which penetrated his lids. He was still dazed,

F-47!", said a voice s

ank layed with his back on a light gray plank bed of

111-F-47!" Again a

somebody had put it into a vice, he

tried to turn away from the sha

n!", it resounded from t

bed and held the hands over his eyes.

ared! You are in a mental hospital and we want to help yo

", helping you to regain the path of the adapted citizen. In this holo cell, all outlines just blur; it i

ople. This cell contains the freedom, because it does not know borders. It is your

accustomed to its sharp brightness. Finally, he examined his new home. The room had a size of perhaps hundred square meters, may

yes, this unnatural brightness besieged his barricaded head persistently like an army. Frank

o cell! Do you understand this? If so, then lift yo

d in the corner. In the cell were no things, only the plank bed and a

e unnatural voice from the upper corner of the room. ?The first re

d his knees. He tried to think about nothing and would have done everything to switch that

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