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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

ow has finally been confirmed!", he had probably murmured. The pri

t they have already rented it to another person. This can be don

But it did not change anything. He had served only one month in this room, but Fr

lly became even the most interesting things, which happened on a day in the

bled. Frank`s lonely fight against windmills continued for a while in such a way. Always unsuccessful and ever more closer to the loss of his good judgement. Sometimes he cried below the lou

ed. He thought, that insanity had already found him and skid down into a state of permanent panic. Patient 111-F-

nt, he made "insanity" to his companion. He i

thes of ?Big Eye". However, if the "insanity" sat beside him on the plank bed, he unfortunately never answered. He just sn

ied to find his strange cellmate, in order to tell to him that he might be silent. Frank thought about much confusing things and nobody could say, if the young men still knew, that it were confusing thin

ece, pouring into my head-fortress with loud screams - slaughtering everything without further warning.

malicious knots and parasites everywhere. His body seemed to be full of degenerate

huddled on the ground, in order to protect himself against the aggressive light. Frank was sure that it

ten Kohlhaas remembered, whether it was actually possible, to smash his own head against th

possibility was, to bite open his pulse veins. Unfortunately, there were no be

do it. Moreover, Mr. Madness always looked worriedly at him in these situatio

cell, Frank Kohlhaas spent the most days with being just mot

plank bed! I will stay here. Here, that blaze will nev

use anyhow? He was separated from the rest of the world. And his fathe

n hours: ?The connections to family and kinship are errors of nature, and all citizens of

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