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An Italian's Virgin Escort

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1496    |    Released on: 13/08/2018

point o


so stupid and careless to just go around announcing my knowledge? I heard h

ut I expected him to kill me or torture me like I heard few

eling that this is a

ht like a God, what a face with little spiky beard, what an aura

l. I'm not a normal girl. I have a secret life that a proper disgust a lot. I hav

no id

, a twenty nine years old escort here in thi

only phoebe knows about me being sec

anything. Why I am here, what is going on, I don't know anything. I was an innocent, na?ve girl who doesn't know anyt

, in this house. But Phoebe's like an elder siste

d but proud of them that they took the hardest step in their

y past, about my brother, I am trying to get past them and h

ed Phoebe when I f

ndsome?" She asked w

's going on with this conversation. "Yes he is. And

about him?" She raised a br

w I cannot because I

who deserves everything and everyone out

lling from outside my room. We slowly went towards

who tried many times to force himself upon me and

a heated argum

Sienna Thomas in my bed." That creepy man yelled at Rick but Ri

ly in her room with her customer. If you want to get sued by that person and lose your membership here

deserve this? I just wanted a good stable life and he

down on my bed waiting for that creepy man to go away. I heard lot of yelling outside an

the thought of what if he opens the door and finds o

ped outside my door, Phoeb

y for what she's doing for me. She let

can hear two women but not a man, your client as you put in. Le

ic and then I felt Phoebe touchin

ed welcoming woman pleasuring woman here! And the client who sienna handling now is

stop her laughter and I am still wide eyed an

be are coup

sed creepy man asked Rick as

ofitable line of business here and If you want you c

I don't want a Lesbian! Get me my usua

m out of my door, I heaved a sigh of relief and

ll help you again if I can. So don't thank me and go to sleep as you hav

im. He did not hug me back but I can see the slight warm glint in his eyes for me. He looked at me for few

, he is a very good person in heart for me. He is like a broth

many thoughts few bad

s I woke up from sleep many times because of my horrid nightmares. As usual I drea

I was left alone after he

pe to have a peaceful day. But alas God has something really big a

ch of flowers and congratulated me. I looked at her confused as to why

ore congratulations from Mr. Davis,

used state so he answered the question

be very impressed by you that he appointed you as his personal assi

t me with so much hate in the meeting and also scolded me

ing to see worst of da

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