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Breaking the Ice

Chapter 3 I will get to marry you

Word Count: 1716    |    Released on: 02/11/2018

Please know that Aki is very important to me, so you will have to treat him good. I won'

that the ramen in this restaurant fails in flavor to the

ot be a monster stepmother for him. As you know, I am a nursery school teacher,

least he can be sure that A

s your sister's son, so he is not an out

sed, good thinki

this time, she starte

did you make with my father for you to be chosen as my wife." He was watching her facial exp

at in front of me? Like s

outh. Suppressing a chuckle, Eto motioned for it, and it was the first time that

an be ash

e arrangements Mr. Iguchi, can y

if there is any special agreement or condition that

sed it again upon quick thinking. She wa

child, your father and I have no other condition on this marriage, Mr. Iguchi."

ect for me to be pregnant with your child within 1 year, if you c

ise on his face. No other co

he lady who is eating with much appetite. She has s

l you get from this marr

ch other so there is no way Yuki Nakamura has been harboring a romantic feeling for him. Besides, since they met earlier, she has not shown any sign of

a strange expression on her f

to marry you


d smart. She is da

tor. What else could she want? As long as she remains faithful to him and bear him a child, she co

at his fists are clen

ks on the table and looked at his wristwatch. It was only

ing to clear his mind from what h

did he exp

ffee. She noticed that he has not touched his baked chicken and dump

ur food, would you mind if I eat

Since he is in a bad mood, he just nodded and slightly pushed t

she took his food and began eating them. He

t weigh about 50-55kg. She has a nice bust and her butt is also well rounded that corresponds to her slender waist. The conservative looking one piece dress under a gray suit did not

ollowed his eyes to her chest. Her cheeks burned as she

, she thought and ga

kon that she was almost finished with his food as well. He lo

at the time as well. However, h

first. I will finish your food, as it is such a waste

rvant after all. It has not been his habit to wast

t any words. Yuki secretly smiled when she saw him di

ard. Maki was already at the front of the restaurant waiting for them when they got out. Again, Yuki d

to be treated like a

s office at 1 minu

noticed that Yuki was still in his room, standing

and explained why s

Since I came straight from Miyazaki today, your fath

to sighe

st authoritative per

d this lady to live together with me. It seems that his father's morale ha

t to know her is o

to send her to the house, s

your staff. Just please allow me to stay here until you go home. I can be inconspicuous s

since they arrived,

t down on the sof

bit rattled when Eto sat on the opposite sid

tter if we call each other by our first name? Miss Nakamura is quite long,

expecting her to pull it away, but she didn't

lation period is on its peak, I will let you know so we can have sex. But that won't happen before marriage, so please wait until then. You don't have

other sofa. She took one magazine on the center tabl

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1 Chapter 1 Eto Iguchi2 Chapter 2 No rules for my own3 Chapter 3 I will get to marry you4 Chapter 4 Yuki’s room5 Chapter 5 Ice Lady6 Chapter 6 The game that she’s playing7 Chapter 7 First kiss8 Chapter 8 I like you9 Chapter 9 She is indeed pure10 Chapter 10 No need to be too formal 11 Chapter 11 Compete with a ghost12 Chapter 12 Where is mine 13 Chapter 13 Yuki’s real feelings14 Chapter 14 Making out15 Chapter 15 Summer solstice16 Chapter 16 Give Me a Chance17 Chapter 17 You tricky bastard18 Chapter 18 Her pretense19 Chapter 19 He is my first20 Chapter 20 Bad dream21 Chapter 21 I will assault you22 Chapter 22 Her birthday present23 Chapter 23 I am not lying!24 Chapter 24 Yuki is pregnant25 Chapter 25 The key to Yuki’s past26 Chapter 26 How shameless are you27 Chapter 27 I am indeed a Senator28 Chapter 28 A secret up to your grave29 Chapter 29 The tip of the iceberg30 Chapter 30 The video tape31 Chapter 31 The evil plan 32 Chapter 32 Break the Ice33 Chapter 33 Let me court you34 Chapter 34 I am not a charity35 Chapter 35 I am yours only36 Chapter 36 She is my big baby37 Chapter 37 Green does not look good on you38 Chapter 38 Your present and your future39 Chapter 39 You are a shameless bitch40 Chapter 40 Maki is a suspect41 Chapter 41 Red demon mask42 Chapter 42 Mariko Sato’s hate43 Chapter 43 Yuki disappeared44 Chapter 44 Yuki’s acceptance45 Chapter 45 The evil incarnate46 Chapter 46 The blue-eyed saviour47 Chapter 47 The order48 Chapter 48 Run away with me49 Chapter 49 Prepare to die, Yuki50 Chapter 50 Just trust me51 Chapter 51 When the snow stopped falling52 Chapter 52 My false reverie53 Chapter 53 Tailed by the Shadows54 Chapter 54 When you wake up55 Chapter 55 His vain existence56 Chapter 56 Be ready to satisfy my needs57 Chapter 57 Make it up to me58 Chapter 58 Everyone has a shadow59 Chapter 59 No. 160 Chapter 60 Epilogue (We will try)