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Cold Showers

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1141    |    Released on: 07/10/2019

motions before her. Jayda was someone that hardly showed her weak side. Even in tough situati

Jayda down. She wiped he

ut it but it's okay if you don't

ed after I left Zach's place

a nodded. No matter how much Lily persuaded her t

e shots before I was interrupted by someone. He was very handsome but h

ivers down my spine and the way he pronounced my name made butterflies appear in my stomach

him all that I never felt for Zach. One thing led to another and

he made love to me, we found it hard to keep our hands off each other so he taught

person I gave my virginity to was just a jerk who only wanted me for sex. He acted so cold this m

htstand claiming he was paying for my services, he even suspect

yda was talking about was special but at the same time, he was a big asshole. Sh

" Lilian asked, already co

er face with the back of he

just seen a ghost. "As in

to but I think there's more than one person in this wo

Jayda's nightstand and showed

painfully an

oing to kill him for mes

need to kill

he world, he's a snub, he is all the worst things you can ever think of. I feel so embarr

helors in the city. He's known in the whole

keep tabs about celebrities so

I asked for his name. He must b

ousin. It's not something I'm actually proud of and we don't eve

e him. Thank God you're a lawyer, a very good one for

t to do is to forget him and move on. I don't w

h made Jayda think for a while. She ran her fi

moment. I think he used protection for the

and move on. I don't want to cross paths with him again. He was a mistake that should

s possessive." She pointed to the hi

ore." She

and eat and after that, w

ngry, " Jay

an with my bare hands the next time I

she refused Lilian's food, most

elt this way. She wouldn't be surprised if

l sick or feel depressed because of that asshole. Trust

thing that happened this morning. He hurt me really bad with his words and

slapped him and threw one of my heels

g. Dinner is ready and after that, we will stroll to get some Ice cream an

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