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Cold Showers

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1783    |    Released on: 07/10/2019

rd he tried, he couldn't concentrate on anything. All he could think of was Jayda; the passionate night they had to

was the reason for her sadness, the more he hated himself and

bastian thinking about Jayda. She was all he coul

e couldn't go through fucking her. He stopped halfway after a little bit of smooching because he realized

has destroyed him

n his intercom buzzed and he was informed tha

d was surprised

n't you been sleeping well?" Caleb

erstand what's going on with me anymore, " Sebast

Karma is already

out thinking about her. This is so unusual and strange. I'

all bump at the right side of his forehead. "She did

mself a half glass of Ciroc, th

e hotel on Saturday morning. Fortunately, he saw h

re eventually because he had a very serious headache on the right side of his head and as

astian religiously applied the creme but the devilish bump just wouldn't disappe

ming a scar. He didn't want something

able to forget her so I called Alice and I couldn't

nd I had this sort of connection,

d something that was still unknown to his best friend. He knew a day would come where S

to yourself,

anyone, most especially Jayda. She's so rude and witty. Do y

r everything. For some reason, he knew this Jayda was di

or call him names. In all, he was glad his best friend actually had

ful words to her she wouldn't have s

come with me to the club, I wouldn't

esides, I think this has nothing to do with me being the

cause no one has ever refused me or claimed they didn't know me. I won't deny that

my status, she will be after

proud and full of himself. No doubt Sebastian needed someo

Jayda going to bed with

e tone before he could stop himself. A known smirk crept t

wasn't comfortable with it. For some reason, he was happy he was the first man to make love to Jayda and th

nds, he was truly whipped. It would take some

want you to be honest with me.


ittle." He replied to

e next morning. But I did what I had to do. Maybe if I can convince her

n disbelief, Sebastian

ian's secretary, Jessica, who w

is for you, sir." She handed him

232, the one he w

xclaimed when he opened the envelope

the midst of the cash,

ney can go to hell. I hope we never cross paths again.

nger on the paper until Caleb started laughing. Caleb hasn't met Jayda but he was in love w

atch, someone that won't ac

refused or returned his money or told him to go to hell or told him he doesn't

of hurt on Sebastian's face before it turned to that of anger. His best frie

brat, I'll deal with h

at she's not after your money. You like her and

s. I'll make sure I find someone that can pleasure me

couple of days." Sebastian asked Caleb. He was su

so I'll surely be there. Besides, I can't wai

act that there was a nine-year age gap between them, he loved his sist

ll come up so I'll have the perfect excu

ious Seb, It's yo

ng old enough to get married. And since it's his birthday, I'm sure

e to settle down and have you

s at Caleb."Besides, I'm just 32, I want to enjoy life the mor

ved a hea

his experience with his last girlfriend changed everything about him. He became rut

houghts about women. He only mingled with them when he wanted p

able to do something to bring his best friend

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