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Marking Territory

Chapter 2 The Cold Queen

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 16/10/2019

s fate all he wants but in the end things always turn out how fate wants them

r. She was given to nature for a low agonizing death. Who thought that the littl

n her parents kingdom. And now as a grownup she has her


bility to remember. She remembered her first memory of her mother, when she had forsaken her. She had witnessed disgust in the eyes of the woman who gave her birth. Amber wasn't a mother but she wants children of he

rful fractions of the supernatural worl

irst of her

the power of

own but she got nothing. And than she had made a queendom where she decides who

n in the same place where she was

it into a land full of greenery and beauty with a shield to protect it's boundaries. You can

snow and she was on the verge of dying when her power to control the elements had saved her life. Her back is still decorated with ugly burn marks, a gift fr

natural speed, control over others body and many more. Al

ed on top of her lungs. Hearing her voice pulled a smile on my fa

. Tell me what's new this time.

r. Her hairs were a huge mess of black color. Gold

most of them were wolfs. There were rumours that the lycans had fallen from grace. From the past few decades

able with her disrespectful mate and just wanted freedom from their shit

Amber's fingers. A boom sounded when her body hit the old


pain. Her screams were making Amb


w them who's the queen here. Most of t

ueen who's protecti

m the Queen here and I don't take shit from anyone. I serve it to the one's

a snapped. Amber l

" I gave her an innocent silly me look. She's

a female lycan so its totally logical that she feels pain of her kind. I helped her to escape her abusive mate and now she helps other

fragile litt

th her. I hope she didn't took it on her little heart. . . Plus tell her that she won't be able to locate

e over other immortals here, you hav

is world, you gotta be a Bitch

lled and I have killed more im

et it? Ne

she..??" That fema

not mess with Lucia!" Reb

before she had attacked me. It would h

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