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Marking Territory

Chapter 5 The Lost Souls

Word Count: 2063    |    Released on: 17/10/2019

. Both of them felt like idiots for entering the wastelands. It was

s that are just a myth in the pr

the brother's inner Lycans were on

he lost mates but as the stubborn princess that she is, she decided to

o herself by someone who is fool

rach gets his hands on

Darach despised that look, it was the same look he had given Connor when he lost h

t want h

ant anyone'

Connor before I make you stop!

inside..? How could you bear the pain alone..? We always had each others back I don't know

ty in our dead mates memory. You have seen your mate, have her memories but I don't even know how mine looked like. I don't have a single memory of her. . . She was k

nsciously took a few steps back, surprised from Darach's outburst. Darach was the one who never showed an emotion not

use he is suffering from it too but Dar

met her but Connor had lost his mate

to stop still ri


ing of her


for what he ha

king night. He was too blind to see what the Moon had blessed him with. He ha

ck. Crimson blood was everywhere on the snow. . . Warm crimso

nt him till

d his mate t

t wanted it to end like this. He d

k that it was an accident but the truth was that he had forced his own mate into ki

y ending for every story. Today when he looked towards his

le was ri

royal line

thinking now!" Darach

emotion to his brother but his pi

pting suicide. Ever since his mate died, taking to him

fe. It was almost comical in Connor's case because usually when a lycan sense his mate he instantly makes a bond with his blessed mate and if under any condit

was punishing him for losing his mate by

life but he can't because no matter what, Connor is family and wolfs can figh

her memories brings me to my knees. Tell me how you feel about your mate's death!

ked a

he dark, for an instant the Bearded Vulture with a unique diet of eating a wolf's bones, who's currently following them lik

y, plugged a knife in it and now he's twisting the knife repeate

instinct won't let me do it, no matter how much I crave to die and be done with this miserable life my bastard of a b

d away

his fault. His mate ran away and she lo

t his fa

rted walking in the forest or more like old trees, covered in snow wi

n't." I repli

erest in finding anyone. It wasn't his duty to rescue Lucia. It's


eserve my s

e was right. We all are bloo

ir might

He was the first one from their family who los

where the cu

ds that if you want to survive in th

e with him. Only for him to broke her heart. She was a p

ill in search for her. For her to forgive him but it was like she had disappeared

s but he had forsaken his crown in ho

n the downfall of th

of their mig

eyes were black just like the Oracle's. Her skin was translucent and she was wearing just a small thin sleeveless dress w

or only to find him a

as mes

whispered a single word which raised


top but their legs walked on their own. The snow was making them blind. Any amount of s

on a land lush with green grass. The air was no longer chilly, snow no longer bite their

of wood stabbed in his spinal cord, a fatal injury.

He looked around for the little girl who had taken them here

Pacing in the cage of his mi

re his surroundings and if he lost his hold on his Lycan, he will see any newcomer as a

rs mercy. He didn't knew how long he laid there h

definitely a Rage Demon. They are known for the

left alone again. His vision was turning blurry from keeping a hold

hasn't reacted like this since he knew of his mate's death. Hell! Darach didn't even

eeze carried a

f A Female

masked by other scents. It was difficult to pin point

f he had inhaled a drug. The scent was faint but it had the

this much peace and contro

that he remembered before t

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