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The Alpha King's Claim

Chapter 2 Big Bad Wolf

Word Count: 2342    |    Released on: 02/12/2019


should have hit the ground, gained a concussion or maybe broken my spine, but I felt as healthy as I was before all these hullabaloo started. Either the balc

n. My instant comment was, 'Yes, I'm actually inside a fantasy world, how great is that?!" But my sane mind interjected, reminding me that y

wearing a rather silky short dress that was up to the knee. I scrunched up my nose. Clearly, I wasn't o

e mattress entirely. Darkness enveloped me inside. I had to extend my

ossibly even morning. Meaning, my time was

dread washed

head. "No, no, no, no, no! I got

shiny floor that's when I saw two guards standing near an open door on the right, dressed in armors and helmets.

red faces, I felt their eyes on me, but luckily, they didn't move.

the bed, so slowly so as not to arouse suspicion, I neared it. Once inside, I groaned, feeling disap

skin once you dip in the pool. Try it, I insi

and there he was, the man whom I r

he Kingdom of Phanteon, Royal Adviser to His Majesty and a sel

rows and said, "Pleasantries are useless

and he looked confused. "Wh

at was this m

el brother sentenced me to death

uickly shook his head. "He was just tal

d a hand on my chest. "Of co

ored. He just shrugged his sho

ther doesn't always have that acidic attitude

t him?" I hissed. "I'm supposed to be at home.

ngings even, and no Akita, my favorite Siberian husky pet to give me my daily dose of happy pill. Second, I'm not even sure where this place is. It seems like Earth to me, but

seem offended by my authoritative t

ered. "This place is far from the castle, don't worry. This is a safe place for you to stay while we sort your uhm...sit

head around what had actually happened back in my room, but at least now, I ha

eature? Show fangs instead? Or drink blood? Maybe cast spells? Produce scales and horns? Or maybe you're like those Fae peopl

nversation, I didn't want any part in it. This man must have had his head

ast night, I now know what you are, " he bobbed his head

n he said it and for a m

like human in my eyes. He had a normal-looking head, limbs and torso. And he even had a bulge—maybe not as visible as

his head looking almost shy. "Since the realms were created, there never has been a report where a human trespassed worlds. We made

. "That's quite a strong word to use. Let me gue

ed out loud. I glared at him,

w seconds lat

r all, " he declared. "We are not just characters in books. You are in

fter all I experienced last night and these past few mi

gh and unusual, and totally bonkers, but another part of me was trying t

g dumb. "I don't get what you're sayin

ind laughed

way. I remember what I saw last night too: a balcony view of a settlement that I'd only believe exist in the fantasy world, and I r

ing information in a rath

orm in front of me? No way that's going to happen. I already passed out l

nly changed subject. This time, I could

lister, " I

Serena. I like t

ut? I'm pretty sure he used Greek language, but what did the word meant?

and into the interior of the bathroom, stood near the steaming pool and stared at me again. "Who

in a deep

ld trust you, " I said

his chest and briefly di

oyals always keep their word. Plus, I just

on, I didn't have much advantage to begin with. I'm vulnerable in this kingdom he called Pha

int taken. What do

ttle hesitant to continue. "I just...well..I

o wonder the prick looked at me like a pest last ni

the Kingdom has for many years now and because o

're saying I carry his

week after my day job. I just didn't like the idea of spreading my legs in exchange for a favor. That's just downright immoral.

again. "No... I just want you to gradually desensitize him using your presence—just your presence and maybe

I'm aware. I got a ta

a grin. "You have a head

return home, then it's a

time. It was getting on my nerves. I

we start?

bove the pool, stared at it for a couple of seconds and then continued, "Right about now actually. He is on his way here, so that means I probably should get g

and royal gatherings, " I voiced out as he walked past me and into the bedroom. "That's usually the case in my world, not unless I'm family or the...mistress of t

and gave me a thumbs up, "You'll b

ring, Your High—ness,

ut a wave goodbye, waltzed out of the room leaving me to def


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1 Chapter 0 Prologue2 Chapter 1 Meet the King3 Chapter 2 Big Bad Wolf4 Chapter 3 Getting Wet in the King's ______5 Chapter 4 Getting Down to Business6 Chapter 5 Getting Laid7 Chapter 6 Becoming His Queen8 Chapter 7 The King and His Big Ego9 Chapter 8 An Unexpected Development10 Chapter 9 A Euphoric Feeling11 Chapter 10 The Alpha in the Flesh12 Chapter 11 The Alpha in the Flesh13 Chapter 12 Fixed Feelings14 Chapter 13 Fulfilling the Agreement15 Chapter 14 Heart of Stone16 Chapter 15 Wet Dreams17 Chapter 16 A Whole New World18 Chapter 17 The Queen in Action19 Chapter 18 Playing the Denying Game20 Chapter 19 In the Lair of the Vampire21 Chapter 20 The Vampire Master22 Chapter 21 The Alpha to the Rescue23 Chapter 22 A Jungle of Women24 Chapter 23 Knocking Death's Door25 Chapter 24 A Healthy Competition26 Chapter 25 Lies and Worries27 Chapter 26 A Winged Visitor28 Chapter 27 Something Soft. Something Hard29 Chapter 28 The Best Kind of Explosion30 Chapter 29 The Source of His Undoing31 Chapter 30 Easy Way Out32 Chapter 31 A Destined Man33 Chapter 32 The Banquet of the Wolves34 Chapter 33 The Stressed King35 Chapter 34 Dancing with the Undead36 Chapter 35 A Sweet, Sweet Position37 Chapter 36 Returning the Favor38 Chapter 37 Challenge Accepted39 Chapter 38 To Stay or Not To Stay40 Chapter 39 Enjoying the Show41 Chapter 40 The Snow Moon42 Chapter 41 The Miracle of Life43 Chapter 42 The Baltic Meadows44 Chapter 43 Taking Action45 Chapter 44 The Luna on Fire46 Chapter 45 Losing Control47 Chapter 46 Getting Friendly with the Faes48 Chapter 47 Riding the King (No pun intended)49 Chapter 48 Disarmed by the Queen50 Chapter 49 The Big Bad Wolf Ate Me51 Chapter 50 The King Prefers it More52 Chapter 51 His Pent-up Desire53 Chapter 52 Blessing in Disguise54 Chapter 53 The Dutiful Queen55 Chapter 54 Giving the Spotlight56 Chapter 55 Rewarding the Queen57 Chapter 56 Getting the D58 Chapter 57 Poolside Fun59 Chapter 58 Emotion Deadlier than Anger60 Chapter 59 Meeting the Guardian61 Chapter 60 Seeking the Truth62 Chapter 61 Falling and Falling Fast63 Chapter 62 Orgies and Babies64 Chapter 63 The Naughty Royals65 Chapter 64 A Dead Giveaway66 Chapter 65 A Dangerous Tango67 Chapter 66 Staking His Claim68 Chapter 67 The King and His Holy Restraint69 Chapter 68 A Time for Reckoning70 Chapter 69 The Queen's Heart71 Chapter 70 The Marking72 Chapter 71 Pieces of the Puzzle73 Chapter 72 The Mysterious Luna74 Chapter 73 The Heartbroken Prince75 Chapter 74 Squeaking and Moaning76 Chapter 75 The Clash of Kings77 Chapter 76 The One Most High78 Chapter 77 Facing the Court79 Chapter 78 The Unspeakable Truth80 Chapter 79 The Alpha and His Luna81 Chapter 80 Apology Accepted82 Chapter 81 Forming the Puzzle83 Chapter 82 The Alpha King's Gifts84 Chapter 83 His Perfect Surprise85 Chapter 84 Obsessed Fan86 Chapter 85 The Awakening87 Chapter 86 A Spiritual Connection88 Chapter 87 Beating to a Pulp89 Chapter 88 The Fight of the Century90 Chapter 89 Head’s Off91 Chapter 90 The True Priestess92 Chapter 91 Together93 Chapter 92 Epilogue94 Chapter 93 Book Two Teaser - Prologue95 Chapter 94 Book 2 - Chapter 1 - The Meeting of the Leaders96 Chapter 95 Book 2 - Chapter 2 - The Busy Queen97 Chapter 96 Book 2 - Chapter 3 - Welcoming the Queen98 Chapter 97 Book 2 - Chapter 4 - Surprising the Alpha99 Chapter 98 Book 2 - Chapter 5 - The Best Damn News100 Chapter 99 Book 2 - Chapter 6 - Visiting Earth