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The Alpha King's Claim

Chapter 4 Getting Down to Business

Word Count: 1566    |    Released on: 02/12/2019


ith all my glory and nakedness. I looked at her. She was still not fa

at her ina

ool. I choose to sit on the lowest platform. My favorite spot. It had enough height for m

ther up to?" I asked, breaking

enough look, she fully turned her face to me and answered, "He is hir

Those two words are entirely dif

to the ceiling and m

murderer—well, except for the judgment of death I passed on to a capital offense in my kingdom—but that's a different story

utting this id

mise you?" I already knew the answer, but I asked

o my own world." As expected. Wh

I gazed back at her and saw

l it that, then yes

uman the first time we met. Yo

that?" Her voice

e Human Realm is too ordinary I considered i

etermination, of patriotism and of protect

ldn't judge that quickly. You haven't ev

r mid air and looked a

res coexisted with each other, the human species included. Garbage is qu

there judging from the a

n, seeing that

w seconds, remarked with her sharp eyes pointed at

And then, for the first time ever since my father died, I had

own, but I d

rom a woman!" I stated once I st

he said through clenched tee

have zero interest in using it,

n't sile

problems getting a queen. I didn't need to wo

strous I looked and maybe even scare her to death. As a human, for sure she hasn't seen a real lycan before. Her reaction would be entertaining to watch. But, in the

and then walked out of the pool. It seems I wouldn't get a

s he always does. His princely white robe hit the marbled floor w

he only came to see me to share tale

nly good my whore of a mother did in her life. She gave me a brother that I could care and protect. But when Elijah came of

ed behind the map I was holding. "You k

ed glass behind me reflected a rainbow color against my desk, telling me that the afternoon sun had now began to set. It would be nightti

rom my thoughts. "I'm giving you an opportunity. Why not take

pointed out, still l

"She's a woman. Father didn't say you had to take a she-wolf as

at me an

with her name in my head. I had honestly forgot abou

gall to make a deal

ere turning white due to the pointless dilemma I'm in. I was itching to punch someone, maybe my brother would make f

" he announced with a proud grin, not at all worried with incurring my wrath. "You are

led at

iving her the chance to live. She will return to her own world anywa

ook on his eyes. "Think of it, Aero, how much I'm already giving you the opportunity. If you use her, you keep your throne. Once your problem is solved, she can retur

osal, upon careful thought, I r

ing such a good

ut. Just thinking about showing a gesture of love

need to. Just make a deal with her, Aero. Treat it as

t was a full proof plan that had zero complications. Surely, sh

thought of fooling my ministers. Th

nor?" Elijah asked, seeing alre

ng after my run

preparations for your wedding the

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1 Chapter 0 Prologue2 Chapter 1 Meet the King3 Chapter 2 Big Bad Wolf4 Chapter 3 Getting Wet in the King's ______5 Chapter 4 Getting Down to Business6 Chapter 5 Getting Laid7 Chapter 6 Becoming His Queen8 Chapter 7 The King and His Big Ego9 Chapter 8 An Unexpected Development10 Chapter 9 A Euphoric Feeling11 Chapter 10 The Alpha in the Flesh12 Chapter 11 The Alpha in the Flesh13 Chapter 12 Fixed Feelings14 Chapter 13 Fulfilling the Agreement15 Chapter 14 Heart of Stone16 Chapter 15 Wet Dreams17 Chapter 16 A Whole New World18 Chapter 17 The Queen in Action19 Chapter 18 Playing the Denying Game20 Chapter 19 In the Lair of the Vampire21 Chapter 20 The Vampire Master22 Chapter 21 The Alpha to the Rescue23 Chapter 22 A Jungle of Women24 Chapter 23 Knocking Death's Door25 Chapter 24 A Healthy Competition26 Chapter 25 Lies and Worries27 Chapter 26 A Winged Visitor28 Chapter 27 Something Soft. Something Hard29 Chapter 28 The Best Kind of Explosion30 Chapter 29 The Source of His Undoing31 Chapter 30 Easy Way Out32 Chapter 31 A Destined Man33 Chapter 32 The Banquet of the Wolves34 Chapter 33 The Stressed King35 Chapter 34 Dancing with the Undead36 Chapter 35 A Sweet, Sweet Position37 Chapter 36 Returning the Favor38 Chapter 37 Challenge Accepted39 Chapter 38 To Stay or Not To Stay40 Chapter 39 Enjoying the Show41 Chapter 40 The Snow Moon42 Chapter 41 The Miracle of Life43 Chapter 42 The Baltic Meadows44 Chapter 43 Taking Action45 Chapter 44 The Luna on Fire46 Chapter 45 Losing Control47 Chapter 46 Getting Friendly with the Faes48 Chapter 47 Riding the King (No pun intended)49 Chapter 48 Disarmed by the Queen50 Chapter 49 The Big Bad Wolf Ate Me51 Chapter 50 The King Prefers it More52 Chapter 51 His Pent-up Desire53 Chapter 52 Blessing in Disguise54 Chapter 53 The Dutiful Queen55 Chapter 54 Giving the Spotlight56 Chapter 55 Rewarding the Queen57 Chapter 56 Getting the D58 Chapter 57 Poolside Fun59 Chapter 58 Emotion Deadlier than Anger60 Chapter 59 Meeting the Guardian61 Chapter 60 Seeking the Truth62 Chapter 61 Falling and Falling Fast63 Chapter 62 Orgies and Babies64 Chapter 63 The Naughty Royals65 Chapter 64 A Dead Giveaway66 Chapter 65 A Dangerous Tango67 Chapter 66 Staking His Claim68 Chapter 67 The King and His Holy Restraint69 Chapter 68 A Time for Reckoning70 Chapter 69 The Queen's Heart71 Chapter 70 The Marking72 Chapter 71 Pieces of the Puzzle73 Chapter 72 The Mysterious Luna74 Chapter 73 The Heartbroken Prince75 Chapter 74 Squeaking and Moaning76 Chapter 75 The Clash of Kings77 Chapter 76 The One Most High78 Chapter 77 Facing the Court79 Chapter 78 The Unspeakable Truth80 Chapter 79 The Alpha and His Luna81 Chapter 80 Apology Accepted82 Chapter 81 Forming the Puzzle83 Chapter 82 The Alpha King's Gifts84 Chapter 83 His Perfect Surprise85 Chapter 84 Obsessed Fan86 Chapter 85 The Awakening87 Chapter 86 A Spiritual Connection88 Chapter 87 Beating to a Pulp89 Chapter 88 The Fight of the Century90 Chapter 89 Head’s Off91 Chapter 90 The True Priestess92 Chapter 91 Together93 Chapter 92 Epilogue94 Chapter 93 Book Two Teaser - Prologue95 Chapter 94 Book 2 - Chapter 1 - The Meeting of the Leaders96 Chapter 95 Book 2 - Chapter 2 - The Busy Queen97 Chapter 96 Book 2 - Chapter 3 - Welcoming the Queen98 Chapter 97 Book 2 - Chapter 4 - Surprising the Alpha99 Chapter 98 Book 2 - Chapter 5 - The Best Damn News100 Chapter 99 Book 2 - Chapter 6 - Visiting Earth