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Falling in love wasn't the plan

Chapter 2 What was her name!

Word Count: 1396    |    Released on: 14/04/2020

ps feeling nervous around them. "You were just awesome last night, babe." Bella jumped on him, her legs wra

ir videos, some adoring them like they were the only cute couple in the college (they were not

cause their thoughts were untidy. Every time they opened their mouths, th

turning unbearabl

t for dominance. Amara struggled to get out as they leaned on the bench

d the kissing idiots but his hands those were pressing and pinching her private part shamelessly. And th

not talk

e kept on requesting them to excuse her, make a way for her leave alas, as unnoticed as she

the voices died as soon as her

, eventually killing all their hoots and cheers. Even Alex intriguingly turned his head aroun

her, she made him smile. Ugh may be because she seemingly appeared more like a clown w

Alex 's best dude with her weak fist Amara huffed such that he grinne

s she scurried toward the door. "Ehh!" Bella pulled his face toward her ann

ile with the other hand signalling the crowd to move out. Hmm, now that s

ard!" Her eyes oozed aggression. Her

, Amara tortured the pages of her book by scratching it with a pointed pen. The pages were so severely

nd with the guys in the campus. In fact, to be real true and honest, she was dating Simon two days ago

s admiring him the worser he is behaving now. "They should be suspended from the college. I don… I don't even

, th

opped her specs getting up in surprise. "You!" Ponting her finger at the intruder

to return you your pen that you f

fore looking away. On stretching his hand out that held the pen, he asked "May I ask you a question!

enly earth can an

cat scratches visible on his neck. The remnant of the lipstick sho

one, precisely with you." For him it might be

uilt. You don't even think about what you are doi

given their respective rights to do anything. They are free to do whatever they want (that

the college in spite of being a topper." Having shrugged his sh

out. She does not have any friend because she is against of the things

d having both the parties consent before being each other's frie

n lose her calm over her tears. "Hey, I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you but tr

to tell you that, try staying with people than running away from them. I know all of us are clumsy except you, but trust me, our company

't even know my name and you claim your company will be something I'd cherish, moro

a bunch of his friends jumped out who seemed to have been hiding behind it, acting as weird as him

ll me you don't know her name too." Exclaimed he, heedless as they we


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1 Chapter 1 The cool captain, Alex Ragnar 2 Chapter 2 What was her name! 3 Chapter 3 Tensed friends! 4 Chapter 4 Bloody show off! 5 Chapter 5 The badboy in him 6 Chapter 6 Dude who are you talking about 7 Chapter 7 Naughty night 8 Chapter 8 Nerdy bitch topper 9 Chapter 9 I don't give a damn if she's hurt 10 Chapter 10 When friends influence, you really understand shitty stuff easily 11 Chapter 11 These girls will kill me12 Chapter 12 She's the reason why I am sad! 13 Chapter 13 He's a player don't trust him! 14 Chapter 14 Let me Stay with you 15 Chapter 15 Stop your game Alex! 16 Chapter 16 Determination 17 Chapter 17 This not done 18 Chapter 18 New feelings 19 Chapter 19 I'm not okay, Chloe! 20 Chapter 20 I want to tell you something about Alex! 21 Chapter 21 Fooling Bella, the baby doll 22 Chapter 22 First kiss 23 Chapter 23 No need of pretending to be nice 24 Chapter 24 Ignoring her25 Chapter 25 Her love confession 26 Chapter 26 Crying for him27 Chapter 27 Fighting the jealous ex-girlfriend 28 Chapter 28 What the heck are you doing in my house, ex-girlfriend 29 Chapter 29 Amara is gone!!! 30 Chapter 30 Mommy knows everything 31 Chapter 31 Meeting her brother, George**32 Chapter 32 Troubled by the notorious kid!**33 Chapter 33 Troubled by the notorious guards 34 Chapter 34 Should I reconsider my love for her 35 Chapter 35 I'm Alex, Amara's boyfriend!**36 Chapter 36 He stole our princess! 37 Chapter 37 You are not real, go away! 38 Chapter 38 You really came here— for me **39 Chapter 39 The best love confession ever!**40 Chapter 40 LAST CHAPTER