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Falling in love wasn't the plan

Chapter 5 The badboy in him

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 17/04/2020

clever but bad

nt from others. Be it the appearance, IQ or their emotional behaviour or f

er any right to ask him questions when she knows that well he would not be able to answer. "I really hate her now." Alex pursed

he convinced Alex to join him and their other friends over a drink to their fav club, The Devil's Spot.

others and that never mattered until today. Why? It was simple, she was trying to

inking about people who don

t indeed suited him once he was done. No doubts why he was called the star of t

ion in the mirror. He looked hot, typical hot Alex Ragnar that he was. While the lights were put

dia until his caught something unnerving! "what the!" the exclamation spoke of

ne. The door opened with a ding leading him out. Alex scratched his hair moving toward his bac

sent him some notes that she has made during the lectures. She

girl, who met you outsid

but I just wanted to help you. Before I

ortant, what important i

uld avoid referring those big

ou use th

ction of

for the exam. Study from these. I

I think will be easier for you to study, so yeah, y

t of

F files she sent him. It was hard to read the diagrams but the points made it easy for him to understand

in the mid air, thinking about her. "Dude, is she really a human! Damn it, she literally solved half of my proble

the Devil's Spot. His friends need to know this good news. With a jump of victory and strong hope of

the vip booth where his friends sat. His smile was enough to say he was happy and confusing too as he has

rlie high fiving Daniel and some other friends. "Sup guy

front. There were hookah stands, several trays containing vodka shots, a stand holding a champagne bot

ome champagne from the opened bottle get

really want to get something off my chest, Alex! How can you be so joyous dude. Exams are up and you have some nothing. Don't t

stened in the dim lights of the club and eyes staring Alex for an answer. The ones who sat beside him in the c

placing that with the looks of nervousness

just woke u


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1 Chapter 1 The cool captain, Alex Ragnar 2 Chapter 2 What was her name! 3 Chapter 3 Tensed friends! 4 Chapter 4 Bloody show off! 5 Chapter 5 The badboy in him 6 Chapter 6 Dude who are you talking about 7 Chapter 7 Naughty night 8 Chapter 8 Nerdy bitch topper 9 Chapter 9 I don't give a damn if she's hurt 10 Chapter 10 When friends influence, you really understand shitty stuff easily 11 Chapter 11 These girls will kill me12 Chapter 12 She's the reason why I am sad! 13 Chapter 13 He's a player don't trust him! 14 Chapter 14 Let me Stay with you 15 Chapter 15 Stop your game Alex! 16 Chapter 16 Determination 17 Chapter 17 This not done 18 Chapter 18 New feelings 19 Chapter 19 I'm not okay, Chloe! 20 Chapter 20 I want to tell you something about Alex! 21 Chapter 21 Fooling Bella, the baby doll 22 Chapter 22 First kiss 23 Chapter 23 No need of pretending to be nice 24 Chapter 24 Ignoring her25 Chapter 25 Her love confession 26 Chapter 26 Crying for him27 Chapter 27 Fighting the jealous ex-girlfriend 28 Chapter 28 What the heck are you doing in my house, ex-girlfriend 29 Chapter 29 Amara is gone!!! 30 Chapter 30 Mommy knows everything 31 Chapter 31 Meeting her brother, George**32 Chapter 32 Troubled by the notorious kid!**33 Chapter 33 Troubled by the notorious guards 34 Chapter 34 Should I reconsider my love for her 35 Chapter 35 I'm Alex, Amara's boyfriend!**36 Chapter 36 He stole our princess! 37 Chapter 37 You are not real, go away! 38 Chapter 38 You really came here— for me **39 Chapter 39 The best love confession ever!**40 Chapter 40 LAST CHAPTER