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Lavander’s Battle Scars

Chapter 2 KKF

Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 07/02/2021

my eyes. So that I won't be

high school whe

remembering those happy mom

radiohead and on my 18th birth

attoo on my left shoulder blade. I remember that she

the roof. Talk about our future like we had a clu

f that incide

life, I would

s against the world In anoth

o say you were the

that g

aw their faces who got

op from

thumbs up and mou

eyed because of the emoti

who sings the

one without the other, we made a pact Sometime

at cannot be seperated but you pro

had your tattoo rem

ng the

the music, I'm no

ept the fact that your my TOTGA.

against the world In another life, I would make you stay So I don't

, the one


ne, the one, the

me signaling that we'll sing

rage within me. And I ope

can't buy me a

on rings, no I should'a told y

price In another life

es, be us against the

d make

say that you were th

t got away

life, I would

ay that you were the

that go

e. "I told you, you have a nice voice

ugh.. and I don't have

ost of the guys are fantasi

nother drink for the two of us. I am on my third

owards our direction. He sat beside Clara who I assumed one of her fling. I go

ill feel a mixture of pain and disg

e, as a reply I

ight melt if you continue to

ppened I don’t think you will say that word. I glanced at my watch it's already twelv

ly to go home according to some of them. I look at Nera and asking for he

ly know my soft spot after all. So I cho

be playing a KKF game."

t is

three person and you decide who's who und

all n

This sound fun

's her first time to join us. It will

r but she just

Ethan, Kennard. Who are you going to kiss,

names I feel goose b

s? I'm not interested

a kill joy it's just

Jax crying

a part of your training on how to build

t of my training on how I build my confidence. So that



ep my sanity intact. "Kiss: Ethan,

nce enveloped the room. And I s

e something wro

ith an "are you k

tioning look. But she just

go salsa for me is the bes

liked the combination of

lsa completes the taste of nachos. I just keep on eating nach

some, don't be selfish.." Kea grabs the la

t like her life

I poke Jax who is now bu

look at me. I look around and

eady making out on a sofa. I look at Nera who is now giggling while holding a bottle of b

t glared at me and hide h

ve me, Max and Ethan are the one who is not drunk.

age that I have. I got up of sofa and ready t

are you

ritone voice. I turned to him a


take yo

can manage mysel

I'm the one who

about th

ard is not that intoxicated. And I already ca

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