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Lavander’s Battle Scars

Chapter 3 Unexpected Visitor

Word Count: 1221    |    Released on: 07/02/2021

ock in the afternoon wi

cause I became unproductive and a

t to go in the first pla

g! d

want to buy that co

Ding! dong!

t want to buy her stupid cookies but

ready to kill the girl that

have to tell you th

t's not a girl that keeps on pres

's the girl that sells a cookies.. w

just here to give this to

t night in my ca


or but he's still standi

ing to say

" he chuckle

raised my eyebrow at him. "I bought

don't need to do this.

yet. That's why I bought you food.." he sighed. "Uh.

s he doing this? What are you up to Max? Why all of a sudden you became fri

per bag that he gave. He said ramen is cure for hangover. I hurriedly opened

ite moist cho

en that is still smoking hot. Upon seeing those foods suddenl

eating I drink an advil and took a cold shower to ease my hangove


e? Your exam is already finsihed,

till have some laundry to do. Maybe a day aft

And don’t do anything stupid when you arriv

a hang this up I'm


will I feel this way? It's like I'm a prisoner in my own body. Even though I don’t want to go back in that place, I can’t because they just allow me to be away for five years. And it’s

room. Those hand-outs that been scattered everywhere during my exam week, I gathered i and pile i

ning my entire room and I'm tired and famished. My last meal is the ramen that Max gave me. I don't have a supplies anymore. What's only


othes in the roof deck

Mrs. Robson,"

meone waiting outside you

finish this." I po

hirty in the morning. When I finished hanging all my clothes I took a lift and go back to my unit. I wa

ia together with his wife. My knees and hands starts to tremble

my face. Suddenly I felt my chest tighten and my vision starts to fade. Before I

re now safe." He wipped my tea

ies me. After I said those words, everything we

omeone checks my pulse rate. And they put an IV in my arm. I f

tely! You might kill her b

ain my consciousness when we arrived at the hospital but my vision

ered because she's afraid at th

k y-y

u need t

It comes out

hile caressing my face. I hold his hand which makes hi

.. I don't want to be a

I won't leave you. I will stay he

off because of too much exhaustment

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