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All I Wanted

Chapter 2 two

Word Count: 1143    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

for the

af by D

tart now b

versity" I say as I r

pany me because then he'd have to take a flight back home and it won't be totally sane if we took our separate cars besides I don't want to stress the old man. I

Lipa. I am a huge fan of hers and her song excites me. I remember the day I was taking a stroll on the road with my dad and a passerby was playing "idgaf", it was ju

now, I should probably check my room out. It was easy to locate my room sin

two girls inside the room,

my face, they surveyed me from my head to toe in a rhythm li

slim brunet

you Kara" I sa

with curves and has her hair braided. I love box b

cool roommates

ok bad either

go get my stuffs

elp" the

ay with a b

ed the booth and they actually helped me


refully dropped it by the empt

ou go" K

you be so pretty and so nice at the

are you here to


genius" S

here for?" Kara ask

ed "danc

y wanna hear something else but I u

d boys" I say and we

it" Sus

lly cool person we thought you'd be a nerd but you'll

and she's studying mass c

e really good c

l be able to go to the p

n says while p

ng to avo

go to the party with, I can't go alone it'll be super boring or

way exhausted, the stress fro

t stay here with y'all then si

hing from my box and arranged them in my wardrobe. After

ck shower" I say as I

wer. I heaved a sigh of relief as the water touched me. I swear I might be a mermaid with my obsession with water. A

dn't see Susan and Kara maybe they went to the party already. I picked a night dre

feeling was so good I knew

, I guess they didn't go

eady, I might as well j

maybe drink some milk to help me with sleep I heard Susan dialing a number. I don't k

" I hear Susan whispering to t

re fast asleep, they won't

the person was saying but I coul

e asleep already just come over here, I'll be expe

campus because she expects him to be here in 15 minutes. B


ory if you're truly enjoying it but I'm sure you are😌....what do you t

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