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All I Wanted

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1228    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

for the

e by Katy Per

k room with the only source of l

the throbbing pain continues, I try to get up when the event from last night flashes back into my head and the last thi

uches the shot in my lap, it hurts so

ave drawn the attent

room suddenly became really bright and my pupil contracted before it adjusted to the l

the fuck is that?" Th

y voice didn't come out quite bold as I k

the and examined me ca

u,you're aw

usting look and h

says and turns bac

ced that I didn't make

eet" he says sounding ann

stand up" I say back and this time

hat because I realized that my words mad

ters or do you want to die?". His words suddenly struck me hard because now I kno

I say again with the last

ng but they're not as strong as the one who held me last night. I glanced down a

holy cow this house is so big, the hallw

dropped me on the bed, I thought it was go

eds to be treated, th

. The voice sounded familiar

but she didn'

I say but she still

d they were just staring wi

r seen a handsome man like me before hav

said" I say while staring straight at him wit

taring at my face like he was trying to unravel something in my face. He gestur

and her hands started to shake

our name?

im thinking of giving

ter some silenc

s up from the chair he was sitting on. Mar

just below his V line, I looked back up at his face and I noticed how sharp his jaws were with his super sexy pink lips that were surrounded by a very dark trimmed beards. His hair is really dark the waves

lity as I felt his hot

ound" he says as he withdraws his hot

ase" he says f

reath as if she has been hold

hoping she answ

her cheeks. "They're Mafias we're never leaving here" she says agai

of my grandson" she adds a

e soon" I say assuring her even though

urriedly wiped her tears away even if

to see you" he sa

ot through yet" I say looking at Maria w

e you waiting f

to carry

like he was going to kill me. He walke

stand up". He o

into his eyes w

carry me" I say not

nds to hit me an


you think is going to happen in the next chapter😬...did he j

will happen and like this story because

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