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The Lovers

Chapter 2 Hugh

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

go back to his room and realized that he had try and had enough. But

to start now." He took my hand to his ass and his other hand grabbed

g him grunt. But there was somethin

off." I tried to push him away but h

king my length making me even harder. I grabbed his nec

brow challenging him, but was taken by surprise whe

s amazing orals, let's see w

ut the moment he wrapped his lips to

ood...oh damn... are you...sure th

me bite my lip trying to suppress another moan. He kept on licking my length, sucking my tip,

d made him face the sheets, he struggled

was flat to my chest, his breathing was heavy. I was keeping his

I whispered while grinding my dick between his ass, my hand moves down

nswer, he was a

w. Let's save that for when you still wanted me after tonight." I s

e, do you sti

cking down, I hesitated and was about to l

e, I wa

he feeling of having to hear the first words of him submitting himself t

.. I need to make

my fingers coated him with the lube. Then louder when I easily slid anot

sheathed my cock. I could see the goosebumps


. you're so fucking tigh

ds. Then I chuckled knowing that he was liking the fricti

he moaned to my question, then louder when I reach

to fuck you. Stay sti

eper, but he was getting greedy again

ours, don

't, so...fuc

you, started to touch to yourself... you, wante

strained as if he was really stru

er, but his beautiful body, his handsome face, and his carele

as the stings send his body to another level of arousal. I could see

d as the imprint was visible mak

going to come." But then he moves back as

t aren't you? hell,

and harder over and over again, then finis

.. come with me, co

holding on to his quivering body while he stained m


d, I was kissing his shoulder trying to calm himself down. The

breathed out his

licious." I was back in my bed

ter get ba

want, we can cuddle?"

t up, but then flinched when he

e okay

d his boxers and leave my r

pillow and finally rest

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