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The Billionaire's Aerialist

Chapter 2 Ode to Struggle

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 20/04/2021

on the high stools and play businessman. The image of his father drinking a glass of whiskey after hours was ingrained in his m

to the counter like scrambled eggs and the frying pan. As if th

s being used to ‘host the talent’, whatever that means. His mother really went overboard w

arty at the Wright’s residence is never just a celebration, is it? If it we

to shake. Most important of all, to his mother at least,


ost prominent quality was most certainly sophistication. If her elegant navy-blue dress,

d as it

e perfectly tailored to reach only hi

able one at that, and affection in her own way. But she had unreal expectations

Yes, I am enjo

the lovely daughte

over five years ago. He thought that giving in to their wish to have a son taking o

ce he knew a ‘real patriarch’ would take care of the company. Someone who ‘k

ve the pleas

two after the show

scribes a pers


ance is about to begin, and I don’t wan

mance had the woman hired this time. She was always trying to outdo her own previou

er attraction was coming. A quick look at his clock showed him

a sudden. He didn’t know how he could miss the first swing of the enormous flowing fabric

of the whole thing. He didn’t know much about circus performances, but he could feel all the sorrow she

fall along the fabric and show how hard it was to climb back up. And then, like her effort meant nothing at all, she wou

take his eyes off of her. Then he felt a bump a

the people had already gone by their business, ignoring the exceptional

he ceiling with multiple layers of fabric rolled around her body. She unhooked her feet from the

if something had gone wrong, but he ran towards the center of the mai

the knot that held her in place and let go of the silk, landing on her feet. He worried for a minut

ed inside his ribcage with that simple act, and he reached out to touch

just wanted to ask her name. Why was she leaving in such a hurry? But

feelings at the moment. That mysterious creature in front of he still amazed him, but his

his grip. Then, favored by her petite size, she crawled between the crowded room and evaded the hall. He trie

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1 Chapter 1 Showtime2 Chapter 2 Ode to Struggle3 Chapter 3 Her Favorite Prizes4 Chapter 4 Careless and Chaotic5 Chapter 5 A Barking Problem6 Chapter 6 Michael7 Chapter 7 Afternoon Tea8 Chapter 8 Afternoon Tea9 Chapter 9 Rich People10 Chapter 10 Family Vacation11 Chapter 11 Moment of Clarity12 Chapter 12 An Old Friend13 Chapter 13 Conciliation Conference14 Chapter 14 A New Deal15 Chapter 15 Russian Background16 Chapter 16 No Pet Names17 Chapter 17 This is Batman18 Chapter 18 Island19 Chapter 19 Rooms20 Chapter 20 Uncomfortable Dinner21 Chapter 21 Lyra22 Chapter 22 Thanksgiving Lunch23 Chapter 23 Pressure 24 Chapter 24 Ink25 Chapter 25 The Boys26 Chapter 26 The Adventure of Life27 Chapter 27 Joy 28 Chapter 28 Blackout Friday29 Chapter 29 Avoided30 Chapter 30 Marcus and Luke31 Chapter 31 A Trick for the Host32 Chapter 32 Finally 33 Chapter 33 Mischievous34 Chapter 34 Walk on the Beach35 Chapter 35 Control 36 Chapter 36 Hurtful Words and Excuses37 Chapter 37 Different38 Chapter 38 Wrong Apologies39 Chapter 39 Trying40 Chapter 40 Another Uncomfortable Dinner41 Chapter 41 The Weight of a Threat42 Chapter 42 Michael's Party43 Chapter 43 Another New Deal44 Chapter 44 Fine by Herself45 Chapter 45 Childhood46 Chapter 46 Take it Easy47 Chapter 47 Run48 Chapter 48 Mother49 Chapter 49 Enlightenment 50 Chapter 50 The Third Uncomfortable Dinner51 Chapter 51 Complex Decisions 52 Chapter 52 Pushing People Away53 Chapter 53 What Is It With This Guy and Deals 54 Chapter 54 Sales Convention55 Chapter 55 Office Christmas Party56 Chapter 56 Truth57 Chapter 57 Friendship58 Chapter 58 Minefields59 Chapter 59 The Hardships and The Pain60 Chapter 60 Shower61 Chapter 61 Tattoo62 Chapter 62 Father63 Chapter 63 Morning Talk64 Chapter 64 Epilogue