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Chapter 4 Leaving her home

Word Count: 2033    |    Released on: 06/05/2021

KING **Leavi


believing that she is no longer a fr

l room and started picking up her little things. H

e picked and dumped t

to save or even miss her. Altho

f, she fell on her small

r voices inside the sitting room. She sat up on her be

e sitting room to see her sister

t her sister. Of course Kate mus

umbled while sta

e dinner. I personally asked my father to be present fo

table behind Kate to see dis

a heard her step father's voice. She turned to see him co

before keeping the

a firm voice. Serena swallowed down

actually concerned with what happens to you. I'm sure he'll kill you or s

r sister," Serena's s

kept watching them both

et Serena's father?" Kate asked her father

ugly looking monk, claiming he is her fated husband or whatever. I care


e and well. If she hadn't left you, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant with her ugly husband and gotte

ught to life took your own life. I hope m

hat has been running down her ey

hand to her cheek

tood up fr

r, why is that?" Her step fathe

for the dinner," she mouthed then turn

h other anymore and we won't be bonded by anything because you are now

ked herself up before resuming another round of crying section

She saw a text message from an unknown number. The message stated that she sho

r eyes up to l


t and trouser before putting them on and just

ey were here to pick her.

the front of their apartment to see a black Je

until the two men sighted her. On

ges from her and ke

to stare at their apartment, to see whether Kate was gonna come out a

at she has never been in a car so expensive before so she took it upon herself

te. They drove for a very long time before reac

ho they were, they allowed them pass. They arrived a second ga

d them passed. They got to the third gate, Sere

ing who they were, the wo

d now see a gigantic building. The building

ll expect his fashion company but damn, this building looked so much different

ndow until they arrived the mighty gar

't waste time before coming down by herse

pensive glittering cars there. They were a

ho brought her urged her as

turn. They walked away from that gigantic

e guard pressed a button there. Footsteps we

ged woman, but a werewolf. S

ne?" The aged wom

nded before dropping t

Serena with the woman. Serena and the woman exchanged

me child?" The a

nners, good morning," Serena bowed sligh

he woman urged fully leav

luggages before stepping into the bu

nd started heading towards a direction. Serena followed h

larger than the whole building

ing's castle. You can't ex

ntly until they got to a door on the

Well, until the King says otherw

am," Serena bo

here to do the work assigned to me," the aged woman sa

ding before stepping into

after you have rested and of course eaten," the a

ena closed the door before tu


she expected. She never thought a mere slave l

must already be beautiful so they couldn't help it but

on it. She caressed the pillow and the soft feel of the bed. It was w

can also see the closet door from where she sat, the ot

y got curious of what the bathroom will look like so she stood up and wa

room looked so

Serena wondered still lo

e at the door whi

nswered her hear

message," she hear

asked still standi

bite," the voice replied her. Serena gulped, not knowing

de the door heard her clearly. She has taken in his scent a

ly opened it to meet the han

here to bite you, I'm simply here because gra

d her eyes to stare

sn't look s

she mu

ou need?"

ou'd learn to stop being scared. I can hear your heart beating faster th

around." Issac added

much time. I have things to se

t of the room and

rt you back here in one

ed walking away. Serena followed hi

on why she feels so scared of him. Is

tly is it ab

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1 Chapter 1 Fucked up2 Chapter 2 His office3 Chapter 3 His slave4 Chapter 4 Leaving her home5 Chapter 5 In the king's castle6 Chapter 6 Rules7 Chapter 7 The King's personal slave8 Chapter 8 Meeting him9 Chapter 9 Crushing on him10 Chapter 10 Scared11 Chapter 11 Lonely 12 Chapter 12 Sibling13 Chapter 13 In tears. Happy14 Chapter 14 My Master 15 Chapter 15 Making him dinner16 Chapter 16 Offense17 Chapter 17 Punishment18 Chapter 18 Meeting Madam Lucas19 Chapter 19 He hates females20 Chapter 20 Running21 Chapter 21 In rage22 Chapter 22 Caught23 Chapter 23 Scared24 Chapter 24 Locked up25 Chapter 25 Alone26 Chapter 26 The maid27 Chapter 27 Called upon28 Chapter 28 Asking for forgiveness29 Chapter 29 His Aura30 Chapter 30 Meeting him31 Chapter 31 Going on a date with him.32 Chapter 32 Using her33 Chapter 33 Their plans34 Chapter 34 Falling for him.35 Chapter 35 Abducted36 Chapter 36 Evil plans37 Chapter 37 Trapped38 Chapter 38 True colour39 Chapter 39 Heart broken again40 Chapter 40 Disturbing 41 Chapter 41 Rescued42 Chapter 42 Tears of relief43 Chapter 43 The maid's seduction44 Chapter 44 Caught. Dealt with.45 Chapter 45 A trip 46 Chapter 46 His Mansion47 Chapter 47 Changing48 Chapter 48 His plans49 Chapter 49 Left behind50 Chapter 50 Training| Changes.51 Chapter 51 Three months later52 Chapter 52 Back to LA 53 Chapter 53 In awe54 Chapter 54 Satisfied55 Chapter 55 A changed Serena56 Chapter 56 Making him dinner 57 Chapter 57 Closer to him58 Chapter 58 The company59 Chapter 59 Meeting Kate60 Chapter 60 Shocked61 Chapter 61 Exclusively his62 Chapter 62 New feelings. Kate's mate63 Chapter 63 Real kiss64 Chapter 64 Aroused 65 Chapter 65 Bond66 Chapter 66 Mate67 Chapter 67 Possessive Zed68 Chapter 68 Stepping up my game 69 Chapter 69 Face of the company70 Chapter 70 Isaac's decision71 Chapter 71 Return of his first mate72 Chapter 72 Burning Jealousy73 Chapter 73 Moving forward74 Chapter 74 His past75 Chapter 75 On his bed76 Chapter 76 Interrogation77 Chapter 77 Marked by him78 Chapter 78 A Jealous King79 Chapter 79 Heat80 Chapter 80 Family81 Chapter 81 Announcement