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Chapter 6 Rules

Word Count: 2053    |    Released on: 13/05/2021



pulled towards the king b

t of him, staring at hi

of the coffee into another c

he king lifted the cup and gave it

crimes laid against her but she

and fixed it at the brim of her lips b

his sit to probably watch her fall but s

fe and his powers is still doing won

ted the coffee, he fixed the cup at the brim of his own lip

ee is truly poisoned and is set

rst." The king replied a

a had seen him grinning or wa

e quantity and a familiar lo

tion but then again maybe Serena was imagining it becaus

watched as the king kept sipping from

ard made to clear the table but with

Zed lifted his eyes

sebumps. The guard hol

picking up the cups and plates there. She placed al

t a servant there,

iled at her. Odd, from her scent Sere

e king's castle?

sink and started washing the plates. The kind of star

is way different. Serena couldn't understand the meaning

e king or just stay inside the kitchen until s

ena heard Ada

ust Adam at the dinning room. It's a great relief that the

ore bringing out a note. He

the rules guarding this castle

ost importan

o him. I see that you don't know how to acknowledge

ffense. Your mouth could be sealed forever

am only shocked and retu

that is because she is scared of opening her mouth and s

ing whether he is speaking to you or not. He is not your age

hat but she wasn't also sure how true it was considering it was just

..wait, he has powers. Unseen powers and whenever he gets really mad his powers

mmortal. And that he is current

ng him will only get you killed, it will not only get you killed. It will get hun

She bobbed her head up

st of the rules guarding the

ll only get you into deep trouble which will cause to your life or

," Serena

mirked standin

y. You will start your d

ht order you to move over here to his castle because yo

s. Arranging his bed every morning and night, dress

ou can leave now, you'll come back very early tomorrow bef

sexual needs' kept ri

ch things? Serena mad

ng towards the door, just at the entrance she saw t

her. She walked behind him and stood, it didn

e said, not in a friendly tone. Maybe just lik

They walked quietly until they got to her room. It was

her door. She entered and was about closing

o you won't end of dying just like his last slave did. I'm not saying this because I like you, I simpl

ou can tell that he is an O

t him. He speaks of the king with s

ked slowly to her bed before lowering her ass on the

ng back to her. Her eyes went to the pie

he paper and

in her mind before dropping

ake up before 6:00am. She set her phone alarm t

er crossed her mind b


er bed before she finally grabbed hold of her phone and switched off her p

the bed before lifting her


brought out a lose gown and kept it on her bed before running into the bath

, jumped into the lose gown

of Isaac who was leanin

tood straight with his hand f

will soon wake up," Isaac urged as he

she was surprised to see almost, well if

aight to the castle. Serena saw the same bodyg

ht? Serena wondered as th

was also as busy as servants can be see

outside, you will think

guy who looks really built. He looks like a bouncer.

erring to Serena who quic

a heard Isaac voice before she

l they reached what we will call the final floor wh

om because their were the guards s

ard the Matt guy ask one of th

ly. A long sigh of relief escaped her l

aid before leaving. Serena watched as

the two guards. They also

tes before she heard movem

f the guards whisper

fted uncomforta

he two guards quickly lower

Highness," the

ealing her a great deal also lowered herself

en her knees hit the cold floor, sh

her. Or maybe he is treating her that wa

and without replying to their gr

upright, seeing this, Sere

e of the guard

othing down as she walke

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1 Chapter 1 Fucked up2 Chapter 2 His office3 Chapter 3 His slave4 Chapter 4 Leaving her home5 Chapter 5 In the king's castle6 Chapter 6 Rules7 Chapter 7 The King's personal slave8 Chapter 8 Meeting him9 Chapter 9 Crushing on him10 Chapter 10 Scared11 Chapter 11 Lonely 12 Chapter 12 Sibling13 Chapter 13 In tears. Happy14 Chapter 14 My Master 15 Chapter 15 Making him dinner16 Chapter 16 Offense17 Chapter 17 Punishment18 Chapter 18 Meeting Madam Lucas19 Chapter 19 He hates females20 Chapter 20 Running21 Chapter 21 In rage22 Chapter 22 Caught23 Chapter 23 Scared24 Chapter 24 Locked up25 Chapter 25 Alone26 Chapter 26 The maid27 Chapter 27 Called upon28 Chapter 28 Asking for forgiveness29 Chapter 29 His Aura30 Chapter 30 Meeting him31 Chapter 31 Going on a date with him.32 Chapter 32 Using her33 Chapter 33 Their plans34 Chapter 34 Falling for him.35 Chapter 35 Abducted36 Chapter 36 Evil plans37 Chapter 37 Trapped38 Chapter 38 True colour39 Chapter 39 Heart broken again40 Chapter 40 Disturbing 41 Chapter 41 Rescued42 Chapter 42 Tears of relief43 Chapter 43 The maid's seduction44 Chapter 44 Caught. Dealt with.45 Chapter 45 A trip 46 Chapter 46 His Mansion47 Chapter 47 Changing48 Chapter 48 His plans49 Chapter 49 Left behind50 Chapter 50 Training| Changes.51 Chapter 51 Three months later52 Chapter 52 Back to LA 53 Chapter 53 In awe54 Chapter 54 Satisfied55 Chapter 55 A changed Serena56 Chapter 56 Making him dinner 57 Chapter 57 Closer to him58 Chapter 58 The company59 Chapter 59 Meeting Kate60 Chapter 60 Shocked61 Chapter 61 Exclusively his62 Chapter 62 New feelings. Kate's mate63 Chapter 63 Real kiss64 Chapter 64 Aroused 65 Chapter 65 Bond66 Chapter 66 Mate67 Chapter 67 Possessive Zed68 Chapter 68 Stepping up my game 69 Chapter 69 Face of the company70 Chapter 70 Isaac's decision71 Chapter 71 Return of his first mate72 Chapter 72 Burning Jealousy73 Chapter 73 Moving forward74 Chapter 74 His past75 Chapter 75 On his bed76 Chapter 76 Interrogation77 Chapter 77 Marked by him78 Chapter 78 A Jealous King79 Chapter 79 Heat80 Chapter 80 Family81 Chapter 81 Announcement