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Raymond and Merman

Raymond and Merman


Chapter 1 Capture Merman

Word Count: 1856    |    Released on: 02/06/2021

, 2016,

y we arrived

find the Merman.I really doubt if the Merman can survive in such cold wate

erman is a tropical creature,

r to see a

oration of this mysterious creature that

nd looked at the round window

lamp on the window and my thin outline in the reflection.With b

etimes I was as stubborn as

uddenly scratched the paper because of a sudden restl

There is somethin

e. Coincidentally, I bumped into Ryan who just walked out. He opened his arms and hugged me fiercely. Pointing at the screen

r a moment.It was an incomparably clear curvy outline, which was obviously different from that of a shark o


, what are you

t he grabbed my wrist and laughed. "Do you think I'm as stupid as you?This Merman has


r the water.There were night lights floating on the fishing net. When they scattered on the sea, they were like stars scattered in the sky.The

st astonishing discovery in

. I stood on tiptoe on the Merman. I wished I could

't fall int

d to his joke. My body fell forward, and he grabbed the back collar quickly. The two of them fell on the de

e you so eage

aned against the deck and grinned, "from a biological point of view, the buttocks have

"I kicked him on his knees

beside the ship and watched the sailors pull up the fishing net and put it on the hanger.Th

long tail came out of the fishing

a Merman with a magenta tail in India. But this one was

d, like the center of the fireworks, but the tip of the blue w

ss grew in my heart.He vaguely remembered the legend that Mr. Zhenyi, who had studied Mer

at I saw.He told me with a cautious and panic on his face, saying that it was a more terrible creature th

an ashore and treat it like studying a red

from hell

only know a little about the meaning of this word, guessing that it mi

it with a mysterious hiss.It seems that in order to avoid my questions, I got the news of

is legend really app

or not, Merman was already a temptation to dea

mount of anesthetic into its tail. After the injection, I plucked up the courage to touch the curve of the fish tail.The tiny cold scales on the fish tail were differen

elly.I was surprised to find that there were thorns on its tail. Its three square tail fin was as sharp as a real blade.The b

owards me in an incredible arc. He was like a python trying to

he deck and

you s

ed me aside. He stepped on the fish tail an

eamed and saw that the fish tail quickly calmed down. In a hurry, I

owed down my movements. When the fishing net was pulled down from his head and his whol

e that I have to face

and the skeletons in the photos. If he didn't look at the fi

uld be called hair) hung down on his neck. He couldn't see his face, but could only see the sharp line of h

e was like an bowstring that was ready to shoot, full of the power of a beast in

ith the half body

hange its sex like an eel when it was bred.But at this

bulge, but it was wrapped in the scale membrane that grew down along the

structure. It would only burst out of its body during the se

ical system as human beings?Were their

on here.However, just as my hand flashed across his head and bent over, I suddenly moved, but with a very small fluc

s face, so that I could see half of his face.There was a thin layer of eyelashes under his eyes, b

they are staring at me, and e

xperience of the biology, I'm sure that kind

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