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Raymond and Merman

Chapter 5 I was almost raped

Word Count: 2082    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

ess, I spared no effort to find out the disinfectant liquid from the medi

ch effectively stopped the loss of blood, but at the same time delayed its healing speed.And there was a strange bulge under the

big as my thumb nail, and its e

ad a violent collision with an adult shark.Judging from its healthy surviv

an.It was really full and the food had not been digested.Maybe it

power. Imagining the scene that it fought with a s

its eyes and watched me as an onlooker. It slightly raised its eyebrows and loo

ont of it, I was just a funny ch

ckly withdrew my hand and wanted to sew it up.

raised its eyes and glanced at the muzzle of my gun. It didn't seem to take it seriously. It didn't feel afraid, nor did it sho

ressed on its undulating belly like a rock, and its tail gently swayed under my body. It seemed to feel very comfortable.Its eyes w

ith it from now on than to try to tame it.Thinking of this, I plucked up my courage. I followed its gesture,

thicker and more flexible than human skin. When I touch it, it's like a large tiger shark

d puts its hand around my waist. Just as I treat it, it caresses my back with its rough and greasy palm.

aving sex with Merman. At this moment, I felt a warm hard o

lightning, stood up, and the incredible changes u

h the same structure as the human lower body. It is the same as the human shape of the sexual organ. It is erecting with swoll

al excitement. Not only because I was just a friendly touch

r feature on me that makes t

glanced at the torn belt button and frowned when I thou

that I lack exercise due to long-term theoretical research, and I'm slightly skinny. Is it because of this t

don't want to

staying up all of a sudden hit me, which made my brain a

I simply can not record a

at gave out a series of meaningless murmurs, like the roar of animals when threatened. I was startled, the fi

about to low Ming. Obviously, its movement was limited by the anesthetic, and the muscles of its abdomen and arms were

ve gotten

d sex organ, a bold idea suddenly jumped

Its physical condition, age and lifespan, and even the reproduction law of this specie


fast, but my body is

ing, I stretched out my slightly trembling right hand and held the thick dark red flesh stem.The moment I c

t of the Merman. Otherwise, I would have a strange illusion

l, I moved up and down its sex organ, and

palm, like the tentacle of a squid.If it was during sex, the Merman would definitely be able to firmly cling to the inner wa

along my back and the whole strong upper body got close to my body, a strong sense of discomfort surged up in an instant.I r

s as hot and swollen as red iron in my hand. Its breath was heavy and disordered, and the fish tail was

ort almost drowne

not only felt that I was having sex with it, but also felt

ser, almost touching my ears and temples. Its hot breath sprayed on my neck, as if it covet

out of control. I can

with its arms completely surrounding me.I can just see its throat rolling and swallowing because of the sati


ear. Its voice was low, lik

o the evil voice as well. As if I was bewitched, I lost all the strength to twist my neck in

against the Merman's body.Its sharp claws tear the clothes apart on my back. The cold air went through my spine and

e. Everything around me was covered with a layer of illusory Black Mist, and the worl

sness, I suddenly heard a shou


e state of being possessed, the suppression on my body suddenly loosened. Before I could see it clearly, Merman jumped up

at my body was already wet. The upper part of my clothes was b


n't remember what happened a few seconds ago. All I co

usly failed.Maybe my behavior frighten

lm water and felt

, where

tingle in my scalp. In a hurry, I picked up the medicine box and DV sc

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