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A Lovely Girl Turning into a Rat

Chapter 3 Brief Peace

Word Count: 834    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

nd really great at playing Chinese lute, so the guests liked to listen to her playing a tune whil

rtant it is to have a special

tely made things difficult for her, she never got angry; instead, she alw

t, Li Qiufeng, didn'

s an orphan and became Li Qiufeng's servant when he was a child. No one ever showed concern for him. San took one shoe an

e that sandal was f

the shoes. If they don't fit you, give them to me and I wi

ms and ran back to his bedro

relationship with them by giving them some gifts,' Ci thought and gave the rest of her copper coins to a beggar on the roadside

time San put some food into Ci's bowl with his chopsticks. The new

chen, everyone stood up and gre

ou enjoy

k you very much for y

e cough to attract San's attention and continued, "Ask t

ly replied, "

picked up the Chinese lute. "Master, I

t up your dinner," Li

p guests waiting." Ci lightly wiped her mouth w

oticed by more people because of the beautiful woman Dong Ci and the tunes she played on the Chinese lute. Some guests who liked music could listen to Ci playing the lute. As fo

tone. Ci had a sweet and light voice. The first tune she played was Bidding Farewell to A Departing Friend. There was no need fo

an't hear the music," an angry, lo

lute. She raised her head and looked aro

. The speaker was a man standing in the middle of the group. Everyone i

ing tea into a guest's teacup, froze. Soon the cup on the table was full and th

rd and plucked it by accident. He felt a sharp pain in his chi

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