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A Lovely Girl Turning into a Rat

Chapter 5 Nima’s Wives

Word Count: 1406    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

otesque shape, guarded the gate and two red lanterns were shining in the night. Ci sto

these two lions is male

a moment, he answered, "Next to the male lion is the f

n and the other one holding a small lio

woman wanted to belong t

n Nima. She had a dull and dry character and people around her always felt respect for her. But it was not a good thing because her husband re

ent a lot of money on hiring the most famous woman matchmaker in the town. Finally, he was successful in marrying his daughter to Nima and got many t

n costume and make-up. She danced around him and lowered her head, revealing her snow-white neck, which was drop-dead sexy.

plum juice with ice cubes and honey. Yang Zheng lightly stirred the juice with a spoon and drink it down in one draught, feeling completely refreshed as she n

on a chair and shook his body. "Bri

e drawing room and greeted t

er night was hot,

irl is really beautiful and I like h

d at Nim

k to my house." Nima fanned himself and continued, "If

d hated vegetables. So the seven dishes were all made from meats

eat with me." N

aid to eat with her master. You can go to the k

ith her. "Madame

d, "You are too thin. Sit

bbit meat in her mouth and chewed it carefully. The

food." Nima smiled and g

e, the sickness gradually passed and she patted her breast and glanced at

hile saying, "Stop dawdling a

e to laugh but s

was a smear of oil in his beard but he didn't wipe it.

and meat… And there were two butlers helping Nima do business and collect rents. Many of the retainers came from Tibet. They followed Nima to the central plains, dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis, and often had sex with maids. The maids, wh

ght. Nima was more blissful than the emperor. China's emperors had too many women and mostly lived short lives. The emperors of the Song Dynasty didn't like to take exercise but Nima did. Every morning he got up early and practised martial arts by fightin

and fell asleep peacefully because of knowing

e she was pregnant and didn't need to pander to Nima on the bed. Before she fell asleep, she patte

r, do you still want to hear me sing tonig

maid to the backyard and ar

emed import

glance at Ci and

i and asked, "Wh

Nima and followed Yang Zhe

daily use were available. There were new clothes in

pinned it to Ci's hair, and then said, "Take it easy and put your h

's words, Ci knelt down a

e and kind-hearted, wa

ture." She paused for a second and continued, "If Master asks you to

oom. 'It seems that good person can be found everywh

totally confused by the f

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