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Master Duan’s Beloved Wife: A Lovely Spendthrift

Master Duan’s Beloved Wife: A Lovely Spendthrift


Chapter 1 : I'm Bored of Shopping

Word Count: 755    |    Released on: 21/06/2021


ame out from the living

g hair and a pinky white Prada dress on her slim b

andsome guys sitting in front of her. Her fair-skin

s license three years ago. None of you h

t elegantly at the table of the luxurious d

nce at this beauty

how many penalty points have been recorded on your driver's li

ents..." The girl's voice ob

without any blockage around. H

of the beauty. "Yueyu, better accept Xiaoran’s arrangement since your driving technique

ll a kid. I have been twenty

barest hint of a sly smile on his face, he said, "Little sister, to be honest, I really admir

ored to death if you s

speechless of the tease

ast life should I be born int

ies in the world and its private assets had

r, was the only and youngest daughter of Ling

car accident when she was fourteen, her cu

erbearing ones decided everything for her and she had no choice b

noble women's college in Britain because they deemed it was safer

k Card before he left. Thanks to that, she had

. For God’s sake, it’ s not her fault at all. She ju

day. She really hated the feeling of being tracked and stalked. Therefore,

brother Ling Weiran wa

e had learned and even tried to make sur

she would feel nervous. At last, she d

ights, she was finally releas

turned home, but she didn’t expect her life unde

t allow her to do anythi

hopping mall could almost fill two rooms. She had been to

er family. An idea occurred to her mind. She wanted to find a job, but

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