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Master Duan’s Beloved Wife: A Lovely Spendthrift

Chapter 2  I’m Doomed

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

e because they were worried about her safety. But she didn’t think it was a good idea

s time..." He Yueyu said to her eldest brother i

towards him. After a while, the three men all left for

hink I can't do anything?

tler Li stumped towards the

s in the garage, one of which was a small N

Li just drove out of the garage, she suddenly

heard that Ms. Mei was looking for you because a m

ar quickly and ran

umsily to the villa, He Yu

me from driving out?” She jumped into the drive

was already halfway to the living room. But hi

back... Masters don’t allo

the gas at once, and quickly drove o

nderestimated my drivi

multaneously. Since childhood till now, she had enough of her life co

was disturbed by a ringtone melody from her bag.

bile phone in her bag. As soon as the phone wa

steal the car from

voice of her brother. She was about to throw her cell phone aside,

rds her from the crossroad when she was to turn the corn


body leaned forward to steering wheel. The scre

d seemed to restore calm. She carefully raised her

ainst the front of the sports

ition of sports car but only to recognize that the sap

s old, with a flowing short hair. The neckline of his white shirt was slightly o

so so

int was scraped. He Yueyu knew that she had screwed it up again. If

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