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Master Duan’s Beloved Wife: A Lovely Spendthrift

Chapter 4  Be His Maid

Word Count: 1436    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

is handsome and cool guy would

the compensation

r the collar for his reques

you really feel that you should be responsible for this accident,

ve known who I am first. He will take bac

nger. "Sir, so your servant is well-paid? If your generosity is not as much as

ybe we should call the police

fury of her three fascist brothers when they received the call from police. And a

time to be questioned by police. I still have a 3

are about his deal

id he do for living? He was even more arrogant than her eldest brother. In fac

ste my time. My young lady, I guess you won’

been the kind of woman who dared to be responsible for what she di

erved the man who behaved like an aristocrat in front of her. Although she didn't know w

a princess in Ling family for 22 years, she was bored

enging. If she accepted his advice, she could temporari

dvice was not that

ollars is well enough for repair cost, and...” She continued, "since you have the ability to deal with a 300-million-euro case, I guess it should be easy for

for a long time. Just when she felt breathless by

ntity card. With the address and key of his house in her hand, He Yueyu had to move

th mixed feelings. The more she thou

tell what was wr

e limited-edition sports car. In addition, he was cool and stylish,

ion for what she did to his sports car. On the contrary

absurd unless he had s

r credentials were still in his hand. It seemed


nose unexpectedly. She realized she had knocked into someone. She rais

ile walking." She touched her pai

as dressed in a suit of casual clothes

red me. Then you knocked into me in a daze. Yueyu, why

from Xiaoran that you got into

bby with a guilty conscience and found Xiaoran and Jun

to her little face, sternness rai

early implied that she really

nd walked gingerly to

rriedly said, "I haven't caused any t

y you

's because I want to prove to you I won’t ha

t ca

an old ox cart. And I just met one of my classmates in elementary school. She said she

her tongue out at him and she knew nothing good would h

ir mind. She could always give away whatever she did

or jewelry, but I didn’t expect you would be generous enough to give a car aw

towards Yueyu,and tapped his sister's head with the rolled-up newsp

so that Xiaoran can buy him a new one. Mr. Li has worked hard for our

face. "Oh right! I must have forgotten to notify you three. One of my old classmate

me, I decided to go abroad to have some fun for a few months. Three y

felt her brothers were all

sly. "What's wrong? Why a

ravel abroad?" Ling Jun

months?" Ling Weira

inted at her with col

dened her almond eyes. "I have already

it has nothing to

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