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Master Duan’s Beloved Wife: A Lovely Spendthrift

Chapter 3  A Trapped Prey

Word Count: 681    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

y in his seat throughout, staring coldly

a little princess coming out of the fairy tale world, w

face left him a str

for traces of this face from his

udden. This beautiful girl, exactly, was the gir

before him. She said sorry re

ctionate eyes, and her viv

istence only from a picture in Ling Xiaoran's wallet a f

all MARCH, which was also crashed badly. She found her expensive

her hands respectfully to Duan Weiqi, "This i


know your car looks more expensive than mine. I hit your

t mean it. I was talking on the phone, so I di


be kind enough not to tell my family? Once they know I ha

f, Duan Weiqi could not bear any more. He

ports car with his chin. “This sum of money i

couldn’t help but lean against the surface of it. Duan Wei

ts car brands in the world? This one sells for 925,000 pounds, limited

in, "only took five sec

, staring blankly at this man,

I'm so

oblems." He smiled deeply, and a thought of

Then what should I do? As long as you don't


head without an

t scaring her. Then an evil thought suddenly came to his mind. Even he himself did not know

stepped clo

startled by

’m a prey of him!”

ously and her heart co

s he want?”

n fear and said, "What do

s, "If you mean what you say, why don’t you use


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