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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

TGLES #2: Belong To Me


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces


the bed and turned my head to the left. I saw Caleb still sleeping and I took my phon

s bareback and he slow

!" I hissed as


up from the bed naked walking towards the bathroom. I took a shower qui

y wake up. He's currently playing with his phone and I just walked past him

n we're in this situation. Actually that hurted

d again." I answ

pletely did not like the situation. I turned to him and h

owards the window to see the beautiful vie

" I said seriously because he hurted me enough by saying 'we screwe

" He asked and I turned to

miere, but can you?" I asked

I want to screw you only?" He said in a cocky tone and I nod

is smirked faded in front of my eyes. I took my clutch and m

to come to my floor. My heart was hurting with the fact that Caleb did

hy we did this but I felt a really strong connection with him. It felt so good to be wi

w much I have a lot

aw my reflection. I looked so pathetic now.

don't deserve this, you don't deserve this." I said to myself and I tri

window blankly all the time, even the taxi driver has to call my name a few times to t

ected the call and blocked his number. I threw

I walked to my room. I threw my clutch to my bed and walked towards the wi

want then I will give it to


id that. He slipped his arms around my waist from

from the ground. I took his shirt that I'm wearing off and threw it to him. He s

walked out from his apartment and walked towards the lift. I went down

ing going straight to the meeting room. I was late for 3 minutes and I bet eve

down on the nearest chair to the door. I just listened to the meeting and when it's done, m

ing to act like this?" My dad

n't k

ckeys on your neck." My mom sai

me have my own life." I sai

. I walked out from the meeting room towards the lift. I stood

not a good attitude to begin with. I even doubt that you'r

STD." I answered coldly and then walked into the lift. I

cting lik

m one." I said and th

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