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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1120    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

b Le

an earlier. I don't know what got me acting like but I

't find a girl like her to replace her presence. Today, I've realized how hurt she is be

that I really meant it but I guess giving her more space will be th

where are y

? Is your mom mad about me changing the

to talk to you. I'

ng with a lot of thoughts inside my head. I know that Serena's hurting but she's not alone. If she

go to the top. I leaned to the lif wall waiting for the lift to go up to the top. When I

said and he

the event?" He asked

. not

ng?" He asked as he turned his body fac

y in Canada?" I asked and m

h New York?" He a


oing to arrange marriage h


e going to

't want to make it more worse." I said

she gets

me a favor." I said and he raised hi

ven talk about me in media. I want to live away from it and I can promise y

I repeated my dad's q

o move on and start a new life.. Just like you planning to g

prevent her to get mar

job not mine." My

ithout trying to kill someone."

genes to yo

hat's all." I said

but someone will and you need to hear the update

an change and by you're disappearing won't make the situ

th nee

t stop you but you should talk to your mom about it. She mig

en I was planning to go.. my

sked and that made my l

e but I just want to give you a little advice. Running away for a long time and

got into the lift and back to the lobby to get my car. I called Zion, he

t me in and I found Zion talking with Chase and others. He saw me

kay." Zion said as he walked in. I sh

nada." I stated a

ly telling me?

t soon but I want you t

it?" He asked

ted her,

ve to Canada for awhile to give her so

he moment when he asked me that. I feel selfish. I wanted to gi

't do that. She's already grown up and you too. If you're wil

ile because you're the closest person that can tell me ab

ting marri


top her wedding,

g and acting like an asshole now but.. I have stil

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