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Billionaire's Mafia girl

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 02/07/2021


ourse,he never showed his

as the new nanny when he had Cl

ed her but his body also getting attrac

emed so taken by her that they hadn't even gi

me seconds w

to hug him,Maya followed as well,Raya simply

nt Ruby"she said ma

by"the other two girls a

here will be in charge of you but i promise i will be coming to visit"she said,if Monti wasn't willing to give h

ant you and Vivian both stay?

e is sick but when he is well,i will come back her

reakfast,did you brush

forget"Raya answered,she sure did sound old

talk"he said and the girls left murmuring

matters into your own hands"h

s"Vivian said smiling,she had the most amazing smile Monti

tice even the little things about her like her smile,then he really shouldn't give her

he asked watching his every move,serious

hat much,i will give you th

ian looked a

??"they ask

totally no time of your own,you are to have no free days even to visit Ruby unless she visits herself and mostly the girls are your number one priority even making them sad for a second will m

in nanny would in danger the life of

think all tha

vian cut

he girls will be my pleasure,i don't mind being a live in nanny,that is actually good cause the girls w

she liked his conditions,she didn't want her father or her so called fiance to know what she was up to

furious but he still mange

up,i cant afford someone seeing you walk into the gates of my mansion,and one

ething,Did billionaires have to act like this?? by the time she wo

Monti dismissed them,they went back to t

have what you wanted"sh

ck phone call,Vivian came back a sfew

ree months advance"she said handing it over to her,"Ruby's eyes wid

looking man came with Leo,Ruby run t

you?"she asked checking him

s and today,he took me shopping and i got my spider men custom for my s

ed,leo pointed the m

ming my son"she turned

ope you won't cause any harm to Monti's girls,he is already a broken man

Ruby,we do not intend a

the evening at your hous

m home,will y

d Ruby and her son

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