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Billionaire's Mafia girl

Billionaire's Mafia girl


Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 02/07/2021

e two wealthy looking wom

inutes,she was certain Monti would burst out of

ight?"the younger amo

the woman was,beautiful was even an understatement she felt,the woma

alising she was drool

Monti for the last five years i

few people knew she worked for him making

ave a husband

w did they know even about h

erate,everything will be better for the both of us"the older woman spook for the first time,though she wa

monti and recommend my sister to

to care for his three daughters"clea

oman,Sara answered her with a smil

a job as a nanny,you two

do as we tell you or sit here and ask questions

i refuse,"her voic

as well,but if you do agree,we pay you double the amount monti pays you

ed who these women where,how did they find out so much inf

ey were,she would have certainly heard ab

ight here,right now if you agree

was paying her,making it double would Change her

nted to bring harm to Mon

is life if needed not even considering that th

im relaxed or happy was

to him except his daughters"she asked her voice a li

d i both know you are the only woman under Monti's employment,so no,this is the only way to get what

e"she asked her vo

ce ruby,do as we tell you and yo

e don't harm them in any way

would assume these women wo

for your son,lets just say one o

a bit,she got her phone

answered on

come to school"ruby felt like something had been stake o


d,,,,,,em,,,Leo couldn't come to school toda

almost yelled when sh

a answered taking a sip

do you want me

ur attention right now,you will say you have someone,your cousin to take in your place while

lready planned ri

another woman to fill in my place?"she aske

hing to convince him Vivian is perfect for this job

ld be in danger,she would never forgive herself if something where to happen to him but again,

she goi

d up,so d

u 20 Minutes to make a decision on wh

ny harm unless forced"Vivian sai

d meant from deep in though

that change the fate of her

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