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Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 1173    |    Released on: 11/07/2021



is the best night ever but I was frustrated as it won't stop until I str

e going back to sleep but mom gave me a serious warning about the fact s

and I went back to sleep but not too long I hear a loud bang from the door and I jumped off my bed hol

derstand what that means. You are going to trek a whole mile" and that my mom, the wonderful one that gave birth to sleepi

bed, the sleep already vanishes and I feel so

o school today because I am such a sleep lover. Don't get me wrong I am not

r break together and I will always get to see her

to the bathroom a

y scented body wash and I quickly dress up for scho

ecause I don't want my friends making a big story about the length of my hai

ce brings me back to reality and I quickly

my younger brother Alex and they both head to the door so I quickly took a bite of my sandwich and gulp down the milk b

catter his hair immediately I settl

arranges his hair back and smiled and also caught mom

she stood strong for us and never let us down. She is not willing to let go of us w

. It either I'm bullied or those stupid girls trying to get me into trouble or I was set up by my classmates which y and I

for them. Hannah hated it but I plead with her every time it occurs to

at type of school allow some set of student dye the

forgot my tie, today is going to help here was lk III the sch

d I turned to see Hannah c

aid as I drag her by h

ed but she didn't hold back i

that means, "I said and she sudden

ter and all this shit is happening? The pi

into trouble my reputation is b

said and loosen her t


rcing it into my hand and I


up, probably you should get a b

like someone lik

e said and wrapped her hand around my

kick her and she

t even get to experience that hot steamy s*x you


it a transferred studen

er in my present life so can we stop tal

and we both drop our

he locker angrily making some loud bang, a

oesn't even show up"I roll my eye and grab my

are not in school yet. I was kinda fr


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