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Chapter 4 The arrogant guy

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 11/07/2021



lled almost knock

ff the alarm and sit up only to realize I'm

he ordered and I didn't kno

stuttered as I get off from the bed

walk to the door and open it pa

rning Mo

my way"She gave me s

ething personal right

my daughter"She said and tr

s and I don't want an expired milk today"I said

ered and sigh in relie

?"I look aro

he streets in front of me were clear, and there was no one

disappear into the air. I can hear Mom ta


ing out of the world. I assured myself and walk into t

remove it and replace it and I dump it in bathroom where

l smile tugged on my lips. Karla you are no longer

myself until my yelled again and I almost tripp


e Alex his breaking and I set


strange this morning, anyway we have


so handsome"Alex sai

y us a proper visit tonight so prepare"She said

now that there is a new guy that doesn't


f you. he seems to be good and his parents are

ightcomet than go around tr

and I grab my back

ome couple's were outside talking to a stranger. A guy walk out of the house an

ached my mom and I wanted to

oung lady behind you"her

you didn't get to see her

ile and my eye met the guy who is just making me uncomforta

woman asks the guy and he f

Leo"he onl

m Wesley colleg

eplied Wonderi

ria and this is

ice meet

he drive by himself, how about he drop you off, you can h

eye cri

me a stress of getting late t

d today and mom is cha

y before I could say anything they drive off. WTH?I can'

nd him in school"Gloria said and walk in with her

red and I roll my eye

r for me at the front seat but I j

said and went to the drive

pack as I smiled remembering w

what making you smile so mu

your business"

nd concentrated

iend?"he asks and I

because I won't reply you"I rep


and I was happy Immediately he

oress R


d what do you think will be Hann

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