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His Crazy Luna

Chapter 2 The ruthless alpha

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 24/07/2021


What's so0o good about this morning?. Nothing!!. Not with the news I received yesterday. I groaned and went to seat on the couch. I should place a call to Martins. I need to know the update. If we are to attack or not. I stood up and went to pick my phone. My alarm rang and I groaned. Time to get prepared for school. I rolled my eyes. Did I say school? Time to prepare for work. I brushed my hair bac

up the ca

just saved me

py, I co

"What's th

refused to compile.

my boy. "And th


Get ready. We a


ed. They want it hot, I w

invading some packs this week. The moon pack is the pack we want to start with. I was going through the map when the door

dressed up?" I asked tr

"Don't try to cha

a bit. "I should go

s brows. "Scho

ave plans to

ve a meeting wit

. "Well, I

get ready and m

I should better get ready before he come

black when I'm going on a deadly mission. I call it the clothes for the mood. Making sure my mask was covering my face, I headed outsi

't interested in that.

he guards bowed

est, In one of my numerous warehouses. I sighed and gestured with my hands for them to

d twenty of my warriors were already in posit

course I am. Wh

of them

them asleep. We ain't k

I tho

It's bad to kill t

d. "Yes


lf eyes, I was able to see clearly. I smiled. My dream is about to come true. I am about to show them why I am been called the ruthless Alpha!!. "Warriors, let's go no

pha" the

ch an attack from the

at alert, ever


d quietly, killing the guards at the gate

they choruse

n, you and your boys s

d. "Yes

lead them to the left, and Max and t


go f

you alone?

he Alpha of moon

ne. I will go wit

th you, too"

. "You dare not qu

st want to be on a lookout

for yourself". I gestured with my hand.

ed. "Yes

nt. I watched them go their separate ways, according to my order. I sm

by their wailings. The packhouse was just a few distances away from me. I could see Jordan outside the packhouse with a few warriors. I stood in front of him. "Good to


e?. I will help you. You ca

. "You... You are t


e rest followed. "I... I...

Alpha. Well

o sorry

hroat. Blood splashed and I groaned. I pulled out a piece of cloth from my pocket and wiped the blood away. I stared at the rest. "Sorry, you did not do anyt

closer and bowe

ooked at their faces. "Today, I have become your new Alph

y answered in a

re not go against my orders. They say I am cold-hearted and bru

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 The ruthless alpha3 Chapter 3 Meeting her4 Chapter 4 The new girls5 Chapter 5 The feeling6 Chapter 6 The betrayer7 Chapter 7 the rejection8 Chapter 8 meeting his enemy9 Chapter 9 they are not related10 Chapter 10 Surprise11 Chapter 11 the invite12 Chapter 12 the party13 Chapter 13 You're weak14 Chapter 14 the visit15 Chapter 15 I think I like him16 Chapter 16 Saving him17 Chapter 17 The first attack 18 Chapter 18 Rescue by the ruthless alpha19 Chapter 19 He needs help20 Chapter 20 Mom knows the truth21 Chapter 21 The agreement22 Chapter 22 Leaving home23 Chapter 23 Welcome to the fire pack24 Chapter 24 Visiting the company25 Chapter 25 She's a beauty26 Chapter 26 He's bossy27 Chapter 27 I am jealous28 Chapter 28 The kidnap29 Chapter 29 She loves him30 Chapter 30 He's ignoring me31 Chapter 31 Something is wrong32 Chapter 32 The feeling33 Chapter 33 She's acting weird34 Chapter 34 I'm in love with him35 Chapter 35 The mission36 Chapter 36 Suspecting him37 Chapter 37 Going on the mission38 Chapter 38 Where is Nolan 39 Chapter 39 I'm injured40 Chapter 40 He's home41 Chapter 41 She doesn't suspect42 Chapter 42 Knowing the truth43 Chapter 43 I'm busted44 Chapter 44 Leaving the fire pack45 Chapter 45 She is not coming back46 Chapter 46 He doesn't care!!!47 Chapter 47 She doesn't care48 Chapter 48 Leaving the mountain pack49 Chapter 49 The attack50 Chapter 50 Mountain pack to the rescue51 Chapter 51 Coming home52 Chapter 52 The agreement53 Chapter 53 Accepting his true self54 Chapter 54 She's my luna55 Chapter 55 Let's attack56 Chapter 56 She's the ruthless one57 Chapter 57 Our first attack58 Chapter 58 Salvador on the loose59 Chapter 59 The plan60 Chapter 60 Victory61 Chapter 61 Going home62 Chapter 62 I can't let her go63 Chapter 63 Love always win